1. The Party

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"Come on, Marina. It'll be fun!"

Marina rolled her eyes at her hyperactive best friend, Chelsey, and murmured a "No."

However, Chelsey was not giving up. She knew parties weren't really Marina's thing, but she also didn't want to go alone.

"Please, Marina! You've never been to party with me before! We don't hang out like we used to. You're always either working or at school", Chelsey whined at her and poked her arm, hoping to get a yes from her, knowing that she clearly hit a soft spot in Marina's feelings.

Marina looked at Chelsey, sad to be hearing this from her best and only friend. It was true though. Marina had been so preoccupied with her classes at the community college and her part time job, she had almost forgotten about having a friend.

Almost. But she didn't.

Marina pulled at her bottom lip with her teeth, a habit she's always had, and looked at the petite brunette.

"Fine", she groaned out, "but you better not leave me alone!"

Chelsey squealed happily and jumped onto Marina, hugging her tightly. "Oh thank you, Marina! I promise you it'll be fun! Plus you'll get to meet my boyfriend!"

Marina sighed and nodded, not remembering Chelsey mentioning that she's had a boyfriend.

"Okay let me change and then we can leave."

She walked over to her closet and began rummaging for a nice outfit. She picked up a dress and made a face before putting it back.

About five minutes later, and Chelsey's nagging to hurry up, she finally picked out a pretty, red, sleeveless top, some black skinny jeans, her black leather jacket, and some long, leather boots.

She locked herself in the bathroom and quickly changed into the outfit. Walking out with her dirty clothes in hand, she chucked them in the hamper and sat at her vanity to get started in her makeup.

She didn't like to wear a lot of it so she applied a little bit of eyeshadow, brown eyeliner, concealer, and mascara. She topped off her makeup with a bit of a pink lipstick and ran her fingers through her loose waves and grabbed her phone.

"Okay. I'm ready now."


Chelsey had wasted no second in pulling Marina out the door once she was ready.

It was about a 5 minute car ride to where the party was taking place and to say Marina was nervous was an understatement. She was terrified.

"Umm...Chels? Who's party is this?"

Chelsey glanced at her friend and cleared her throat. "My boyfriend. It's his birthday today so his brothers threw a party."

Marina silently nodded to herself and leaned her head against the window, zoning out.

"We're here!" Chelsey's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she got out of the car.

The house didn't look big, but it also didn't look that small. There was already a ton of people there and she felt a wave of dread wash over her. If it wasn't for Chelsey taking her hand and pulling her inside, she was sure she would've stayed glued to that spot.

It was hot and dark inside.

People were dancing around in the living room and the kitchen. The house reeked of alcohol and weed.

Chelsey pulled Marina into the kitchen where a boy with green eyes and a snapback was standing. His eyes filled with happiness once he saw Chelsey making her way over to him.

Chelsey let go of Marina's hand and went up to hug the boy tightly and give him a kiss.

So this is her boyfriend. Marina thought to herself.

Marina stood there awkwardly as her friend and the boy chatted briefly.

"This is my best friend Marina. The one I was telling you about" Chelsey introduced the boy to Marina. Marina looked up and gave a friendly smile to him.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Beau." Beau held his hand out to her and she shook it while sending him a warm smile.

His hand is really cold.

Chelsey clapped her hands happily. "Okay now you guys have officially met. I'm going to take Marina and introduce her to the rest of the boys."

Beau smiled and nodded at her, taking a sip from his cup. Chelsey pulled Marina out of the kitchen and outside. There wasn't that many people outside so it was kind of quiet.

Chelsey pulled her to the other side of where the pool is and Marina almost tripped. She huffed out in annoyance but kept her mouth shut.

She pulled her up to a group of boys and Marina felt nervous again. She was never good at talking to boys. And they were attractive. Great, even better, she sarcastically thought to herself.

"Hey guys! This is Marina." Chelsey once again introduced her. Marina smiled at them, not wanting to come off as rude. She glanced quickly at all of them, taking in their appearance.

One of the boys wasn't wearing a shirt and he appeared to be drunk. "I'm Daniel! Great to meet you!" He startled Marina by bringing her into one of the biggest hugs she's probably ever received. She winced slightly as he was very strong.

"Okay, okay Daniel. Let the poor girl go. She can't breathe." A voice spoke up and Daniel let go. She gasped out for air and rubbed her side. She turned around to where the voice came from and was met with a pair of hazel eyes.

"Sorry about Daniel. He gets like that sometimes" the boy smiled at her and shook her hand. Like Beau's, it was also cold but Marina payed no attention to it ."I'm Luke."

Marina found him attractive. He was about 3 inches taller than her and had curly brown hair, with some blonde at the front. He had a nose ring and a small freckle on the bridge of his nose. His right arm was also covered in tattoos.

Luke glanced to the side of him and nudged the other boy. "And this is my twin, Jai."

Jai looked up and locked eyes with Marina. Marina bit her lip unknowingly as he held her gaze. He was even more attractive than Luke, which was weird since they were twins. Unlike Luke, Jai had is eyebrow pierced and his hair was slightly wavy but he also had a sleeve of tattoos.

Sadly, he broke the gaze and looked down, murmuring a 'nice to meet you' before walking off.

Marina frowned and looked down, wondering if she had done something to upset him.

Luke noticed this and put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't mind him. That's just the way he is."

Marina nodded and forced herself to smile at him. She didn't know what had come over her when they locked eyes. It was like she was in a trance. One she didn't want to escape.

She looked around and noticed Chelsey and Daniel had left. She mentally cursed, hating Chelsey in that moment  for leaving her alone in a party where she knew no one.

"She went with Beau. But don't worry. You can't hang out with me if you'd like."

Marina smiled widely at him. "Thank you! But are you sure it won't be a bother?"

Luke laughed and shook his head. He took her hand and led her over to a table where there was bottles of alcohol. He pored some in a red cup and handed it to her.

Marina hesitated but took the cup. She brought it to her lips and took a small sip, wanting to spit it back out as she felt the burning sensation in her throat.

God, Chelsey. You're gonna owe me.


So this is the first part of the first chapter. Marina has met the boys!  Sorry if there was some mistakes! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Question: What do you think will happen next chapter? Comment!

Diana xx

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