12. Luke

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A loud bang echoed throughout the small apartment that startled Marina. She was in her room trying to fall asleep, but now she wasn't going to get any. She slowly got out of her comfy bed and shivered, making her way out the bedroom door.

She stood at the top of the stairs, looking down to see if she saw anything unusual. She saw a shadow pass by the living room in a quick manner. "Chelsey? Is that you?" She called out.

No response.

Marina furrowed her eyebrows and slowly descended down the stairs. Goosebumps littered her arms and she rubbed them in an attempt to warm them up. She walked into the living room and was met with nothing. Just silence.

"You know what's coming..." A familiar voice said. Marina gasped and turned around, feeling a presence behind her. He stood there in front of her, his features now those of a ruthless killer.

Marina let out a scream and ran in the opposite direction to the door. She swung it open but there he was again, stopping her from leaving. She gasped loudly and turned, running to the kitchen.

Her breathing was ragged and she clutched her necklace tightly. It was silent now. Could he have left? Marina cautiously walked out of the kitchen towards the door, her gaze focused in front of her.

Suddenly, she felt someone come up behind her and grab her by the shoulders. She let out a bloodcurdling scream and he sank his fangs hard into her jugular.

Marina jolted awake with a gasp. Her heart was beating fast, she felt as if it were to pop out of her chest. Her hand went up to her neck and she sighed in relief as she found nothing but smooth skin.

She didn't know what that dream meant. A warning, perhaps? Or just her subconscious playing tricks on her. Or maybe it was one of those things where you dream something before it happens. The thought of that put her on edge.

But the worst part is that she couldn't tell if it was Luke or Jai.

She looked over to her clock and got out of bed. It was almost noon, the latest she's probably ever slept in. She grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom for a shower.

After her shower, Marina sat on her bed looking through the texts she'd received last night. There was a handful from Chelsey and Jai and about a million from Luke. She mentally chuckled at his worried state and texted him back.

To Lukey 😈
Don't worry Luke, I'm okay. I just woke up.

Marina began doing her makeup and Luke replied almost instantly.

To Marina 💚
Are you really okay though?? You know what we are now and I just hope that it doesn't change anything between us :(

Marina felt her heart clench and she bit her lip, thinking. She didn't want things to change between her and Luke. They were best friends and best friends accept each other for whoever they are. Or in Luke's case, whatever they are.

To Lukey 😈
Nothing will change Luke. We're still friends. I'm just glad I know the truth now. No more lies, no more secrets.

To Marina 💚

Marina furrowed her brows as she read his text over and over again. What does he mean by that?

To Lukey 😈
Come over in a bit? I need someone to talk to

To Marina 💚
Already on my way babe ;)

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