8. Not A Date

597 22 16

Oh look it's daddy jai ;)

Jai patiently waited in his car for Marina. She had texted him a few minutes ago saying she would be out at 3:00 pm. It was now 3:05 and jai sighed, now beginning to grow impatient.

He suddenly sat upright and smiled as he saw Marina walking towards the car. She made her way to the passenger side and got in, dropping her bag in the backseat.

"Hi" she breathed out and smiled warmly at him. She was slightly out of breath since she practically ran from her class to his car. That and the fact that her breathing was always off when he was around.

"Hey", Jai replied and started the car. He backed out and soon they were on the freeway.

Marina leaned her head against the window and glanced at him. "So. Where are we going?"

Jai looked over at her before returning his attention back to the road. "Wherever you'd like."

Marina smiled and blushed slightly at his sweetness. "Well I'm starving so could we go to subway? I'm craving a sandwich and soup."

Jai nodded and grinned at her. "As you wish, beautiful."

Marina blushed even more. She looked down and spoke under her breath, so he wouldn't hear her. But he could hear her clearly. Perk of being a supernatural being. "I'm not beautiful."

"You are. To me you are." Jai confidently told her. She looked up, a curious look playing on her breathtaking features.

"You heard that?" She asked slightly embarrassed.

Jai chuckled at her embarrassment and nodded. He placed his hand on her thigh and Marina bit her lower lip. Jai glanced quickly at her and shifted in his seat slightly. If only she had known that was a huge turn on for him and some major things were now going on downstairs , if you know what that means.


Jai and Marina were now back in the car, both of them stuffed. Well at least Marina was. They had each ordered a sandwhich and a soup. Jai had refused to let Marina pay for herself so he payed for both of them. Marina had thanked him, saying she would repay him back someway. That ended with Jai making a sex joke and Marina hitting him the back of the head.

"Where to now?" Jai asked as he turned the car back.

Marinas eyes lit up at hearing that. She had thought that hanging out meant just getting lunch then they would go home. But no. He wanted to keep hanging out with her and that made her feel all giddy inside.

"U-um...you pick now," Marina stuttered out while biting her lip.

Jai watched her actions and internally groaned. He had never wanted to kiss someone so badly. Her lip biting was turning him on and it was rather hard for him not to think of what that pretty mouth of hers could do.

He thought for a second then smirked and backed out of the parking lot. "I know where. It's a surprise though."

Marina looked at him curiously but nodded. The drive to wherever they were going was short. Jai parked and they both got out, meeting at the front. Marina looked up at the building and widened her eyes.

"I-Ice skating? Jai...I don't know to ice skate." Marina admitted.

Jai took her hand, a small shock emitting as their skin made contact. "Don't worry. I'll teach you how."

He led her inside, Marina looking down at their entwined hands. She looked back up once they were inside and Jai went up to the front desk to rent their skates.

"What size shoe do you wear?"

"8." Marina replied and waited.

Jai got both of them skates and they made their way through another set of doors. The ice rink was empty which Marina was glad for. No one else would watch her make a fool of herself.

They sat down on the bleachers and put their skates on. Jai held her hand as they stepped into the rink. Marina wobbled a little but Jai helped her. He moved his hands to her waist as she steadied herself.

"It's not that hard. Just don't think too much about falling cause then you will fall." He laughed slightly and began to slowly skate along the ice, holding Marina tightly.

Marina blushed lightly and slowly started to get the hang of it. Jai noticed and smiled. "See you're getting the hang of it. Okay I'm going to let go now. Try it by yourself."

Marina's eyes widened as he let go of her. She instantly began to panic and started losing balance. "Wait! I'm not re-" she began to yell out. She felt herself slipping and falling. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for her face to impact with the hard ice.

But it never came.

A pair of arms held her tightly and Marina slowly opened her eyes to look up at Jai. "You're okay. I've got you. I'll catch you if you fall." He smirks reassuringly at her and helped her stand back up.

Marina blushed at his words and smiled up at him.

He took her hand again and together they skated around the ice until they were both tired

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He took her hand again and together they skated around the ice until they were both tired. That and they had gotten kicked out since the place was closing.


Jai walked Marina up to her apartment. Their hands were intwined, the feeling giving both of them butterflies.

"I had fun tonight", Marina told Jai as they stopped outside her door.

Jai smiled and nodded. "I did too. We should do this more often."

"Was this a date?" Marina suddenly blurted out, taking both of them by surprise. Her face reddened and she looked down.


Marina looked back up at him, embarrassment and slight sadness in her eyes. "O-oh right. Sorry for-"

"I'll be taking you on a real date on Saturday", Jai cut her off and grinned at her. All the sadness and embarrassment in her melted away and she smiled widely at him.

"O-okay. Yeah. I'd like that".

Jai chuckled at her awkwardness and brought her in for a tight hug. "I'll see you Saturday then. I'll text you. Good night, beautiful". He kissed her sweetly in the cheek and pulled away.

Marina's blush had worsened and she giggled, nodding. Jai smiled again and walked away leaving Marina there to process what had just happened between the two.




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Thoughts on what will happen on their date?

Diana xx

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