11. The Truth

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Slightly edited.


"W-what?" Marina stuttered out, slowly backing away.

Jai watched her carefully, not wanting to make the poor girl fear him even more. "I'm a vampire." He repeated softly.

Marina shook her head and shut her eyes for a second. "N-no. No, it's not possible. This is reality, not a fairytale. Vampires don't exist" she mumbled under her breath nervously, denying what was right in front of her.

She was now on the other side of the living room, pacing back and forth as she kept mumbling under her breath. Jai sighed lightly and suddenly appeared right in front her. Marina let out a startled gasp, her head turning to the spot he had been standing not even a second ago.

"H-how did you do that...?" She asked, flustered. Her eyes were wide with fear and the tears that threatened to spill out were silently flowing down her flushed cheeks.

"Perk of being undead.." Jai said trying to lighten the mood. Marina only gaped at him and Jai felt slightly guilty. She looked at him with her tear filled eyes and Jai felt his heart break.

"Look, Marina. You weren't supposed to find out like this. I was planning on telling you after our date. Please...let me explain. And when I'm done, I understand if you don't want to go on our date anymore..." Jai trailed as Marina watched him. She stayed silent during his short rambling and Jai had hope that she would accept him, undead and all.

"O-okay, then. Explain yourself", Marina whispered and looked down.  Jai let out a breath he didn't know he holding and nodded. He gestured for Marina to sit and she hesitated, but sat down. Jai sat down next to her, but not to close and began explaining everything.

"Okay. So I haven't been a vampire for long. Maybe a little over year now. I don't remember exactly how I turned. But it wasn't just me. The boys were turned too. We didn't know what was happening to us and then some guy named Jonathan found us and mentored us. We sorta looked up to him, you know? He taught us control and everything that comes with being a vampire." Jai spoke carefully, watching Marina the entire time.

"Like..?" Marina asked softly, her posture beginning to soften a little.

"Like strength, speed, healing, mind compulsion, daylight rings, and our craving for blood." Jai paused for a second and took a deep breath before continuing.

"He told us we had to drink straight from the source. Since we were newbies, we believed him. I felt terrible every time I fed. It was just too hard to stop once you've started. The boys and I soon realized that what we were doing was wrong and we didn't want to hurt anyone. So we switched our diet to only blood bags. No more feeding from people."

Marina had grimaced at the thought of Jai or Luke or Daniel or even Beau tearing into someone's throat to satisfy their hunger. Just the thought of it made her nauseous.

"When Jonathan found out, he was furious. Long story short, we got caught up in some deep shit and have been avoiding him as much as possible. He's dangerous, Marina. He already knows about you..." Jai trailed off and Marina widened her eyes.

"Wait, what? How does this Jonathan even know about me, Jai?" She asked, slight fear ringing her voice.

Jai rubbed his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, Marina. But i promise, I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."

Marina didn't know what to believe. The story he was telling was too much to be a lie. Marina could tell when someone was lying and Luke and Jai had been lying to her ever since they met. But she never said anything of course as she didn't want to start problems. Jai was telling the truth. And Marina didn't know if she was afraid anymore.

Marina looked at Jai and asked the one question that had been on her mind. "Would you...you know, hurt me?" She looked away for a second but then back at him, preparing herself for his answer.

Jai felt his heart sink

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Jai felt his heart sink. She didn't blame her for asking. Actually, he was rather grateful. He needed to clear up the fact that he would never even dream of harming her in any way.

"I would never hurt you, Marina. I promise you're safe with me", Jai said truthfully and Marina believed him. If Jai truly wanted to hurt her, he would've done by now right?

"What about Luke? Daniel? Beau?" Marina stated.

"I'm pretty sure that Luke feels the same way. He won't hurt you. And Daniel wouldn't either, though he has more trouble controlling his hunger. And Beau.. Well..."

Marina noticed his change in demeanor and stiffened. "What about Beau? Jai?"

Jai met her gaze and spoke softly. "When you're a vampire, you have the ability to turn your emotions off. You usually do it when they become too much and want to take the easy way out. A vampire without emotions is even more dangerous. They're ruthless. And Beau..well he turned it off. That's why you found those wounds on Chelsey and why she's now a vampire."

Realization washed over Marina and she gasped. "O-oh God. Chelsey..she's a vampire now. And she..she hurt me." Her hand subconsciously went up to run her healed neck.

"She doesn't know control yet. I promise we'll teach her but she can't stay with you here anymore."

Marina nodded slightly, clearly upset and hurt. "Why did you give me your blood? And why did the wound heal so fast?"

Jai smiled softly at Marina's curiosity. "Vampire blood heals humans. But you have to be careful for the next 24 hours. If  something were to happen to cause your death and the blood was still in your system, you'd come back as a vampire in transition."

Marina suddenly stood and began to pace again. She waved her hand at Jai and shook her head. "O-okay. I think I've heard enough. Just...please go."

Jai looked at her with saddened eyes but understood why she wanted him to leave. He basically just told her he was a monster and could kill he in an instant. She was overwhelmed. He sighed and made his way to the door.

"You're going to be okay, Marina. I promised I would protect you and I intend to keep that promise. I just ask you for one favor." Marina stayed silent but nodded for him to continue.

"Please do not tell anyone."

Marina widened her eyes at him. "H-how could you ask me that?" She whispered.

"Because it's dangerous for you to know this, Marina. Please promise me." Jai pleaded and sighed in relief when Marina nodded slowly.

"Okay, fine. I won't tell anyone. Now please just..go. I need to be by myself to think about everything, okay?"

Jai nodded and was out the door but not before turning back and saying, "Don't invite anyone in. I'll check on you in the morning." He disappeared into the night and Marina was left to ponder what she was going to do now that she new the truth.

The truth that could get her killed.



I have been waiting so long to write this chapter! She finally knows the truth!

Ideas on what will happened next?

Comment and vote! Your comments mean a lot and lets me know you want more!

Diana xx

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