Please Don't Die

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Listen very carefully,

Because I'm only going to say this once.

I'm no longer suicidal,

I promise.

I no longer dream of dying,

Or see myself hit by a truck,

I'm eating healthier

And I want to live.

But I would die in a second

For you.

Because it still lurks

And in my head,

Your life means more than mine

Any day. Every day.

So if I ever say I'd die for you

That isn't me being suicidal

But it's me wanting you to live

I want you to live.

Because you're brilliant

And I love you.

So listen very carefully,

You mean the world to me,

You're brilliant,




And unique.

And I would die for you.

Because I love you.

Not in a 'I want to date you' way,

But in a 'I don't want to live without you' way.

But I love you, all the same.

I'd do anything for you.

I've only told one person of this since,

And I doubt anyone will ever read this,

But I was once beaten by a boy when I was seven, 

Who was three years older than me,

But he was much stronger than you'd think,

I did it,

Just so he didn't hurt my friend.

I then spent a year and a bit

Being bullied

And fighting off my other friends' bullies

Taking hits and kicks everyday

Death threats and comments

By boys five years older than me.

I was eleven.

And I would do it again.

It sometimes hurts when I walk

And on bad days it hurts when I breathe

But I never complained once.

And I would do it all over again,

For you.

So don't you dare think for a second

That what I'm saying isn't true.

I'd take a beating for you.

I'd take a bullet for you.

I love you,

Don't die.

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