You Left Me

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I used to pray, everyday

And you knew that.

But you didn't listen,

You never listened.

I stopped praying after a while

Because you weren't listening

I felt like I was dying and I prayed for help

But I never received it

Everything I am today is what I made

And I have no one else to thank but myself.

So, Lord, tell me

Why did you sent your son to die for our sins?

Because you obviously don't give a damn about us.


Little humans

Because that's what we are in your eyes,



You don't give a damn about us

You let the innocent suffer

And die.

Thou shalt not kill,

So is this why you won't help when the thing we need to kill

Is inside ourselves?

Why don't you help those who need it?

Maybe I deserved it. 

But listen to me,

And listen carefully.

Because that little eight year old who cried herself to sleep,


She didn't deserve any of it.

You left me when I needed you.

And one day, my last day,

Is the day you're going to have to explain why.

Explain to me so I understand,

Why you left me.

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