Do you Miss Me?

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Do you even miss me?

Because I miss you

We haven't seen each other in ten years,

Since we were just little kids,

But you meant the world to me for a long time.

You still do.

I'm always looking for you,

Even though I know I'll never find you.

I always feel sick whenever I think 

I've probably passed you in the street several times

But we no longer recognise each other.

I've messaged your brother a few times over the years,

But he's never messaged me back. 

I know you're not thinking of me

Like I'm thinking of you.

I just want to know how you turned out.

I want to know about you.

It keeps me up at night,

When I remember why we were pulled apart

I was your only friend at the time

And you were mine.

I was so damn lonely,

So damn lonely,

I never thought how you felt.

I know your parents broke up,

And I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.

You were goofy and clingy,

But now I understand.

And I would give anything,


To go bad in time and give you one last hug

And to say goodbye.

Because we never said goodbye,

And that breaks my heart.

Every time I look back and think of you,

That breaks my heart.

So this is dedicated to you,


I miss you.

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