What did I do wrong?

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What did I do wrong

To deserve what you have dealt me?

Did I murder in a past life?



Was I unfaithful and dishonest?

Manipulative? Destructive? 

Was I cruel?

Because what I don't understand is what,

What I must've done to deserve this. 

Because I don't understand.

Whatever I did must've taken the cake because, 

I'm currently in my own Hell,

Burning away

One day at a time

So, what did I do to deserve what you gave me?

I must've done something because I'm constantly told how benevolent you are.

Because you're so omniscient

Because you are omnipresent, and that means,

That means you know what you're doing.

Just because you are omnipotent doesn't mean

That you,


Can make someone suffer just because they're born.

So there must be a reason,



What did I do wrong?

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