All The Things She Said

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Red's P.O.V.

     "Pika! Use Thunder!" A bolt of lightning zapped down from the heavy clouds above to strike the deciduous pine. The tree was engulfed by an explosion, and toppled over in defeat. Pika panted heavily, and I mirrored his patterns. I have only been training for 2 days in the forest surrounding Snowpoint, but it's exhausting. I called back Pika and pulled out my Venusaur. I stared at him for a while, then at my new Mega Ring. I was surprised to find it at the Poké Center with Nurse Joy, but apparently Professor Oak sent it, saying he got it from another Pokémon Researcher from the Kalos Region. A Key and Mega Stone, for myself and Saur. But how did he even find me...
"Go, Saur!" I shouted as my companion burst out of its confinement. "Transcend normal evolution; Mega Evolve!" I spoke as I unconsciously touched my Key Stone. Red and green rays of energy collided from the stones, and a white light engulfed the clearing. "Saur! Frenzy Plant!" Vines shot up from the ground, and surrounded the new version of Saur. After a few, solid whips, the entire clearing was covered in broken trees. I sighed, happy that today's training was finally over. I called back Saur, and stayed in the clearing. I feel like I'm getting stronger. More... How can I say it? I just feel better about my ability.
I stuffed my hands in my coat pocket, and trudged back to the Poké Center. The endless stream of pines waved their needles as an approaching storm threatened to bestow tragedy. I looked up at the darkening sky, trying to catch a glimpse of the fading sun. Memories of Yellow surfaced. I mentally slapped myself. She's not here. You left her. For her benefit. And mine. I continued walking as I felt a presence. Quite familiar. I shook my head. No one knows I'm here.
A blur of white and yellow rushed past the trees next to me. It was almost of time itself slowed, allowing me to catch picture-like glimpses of the blur. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. A barrier of nature itself blocked me. Just like that, it was fading in the distance. Just like the sun. I looked down at the old snow. Why can't I move on over one incident? I began walking again. Then I ran. I didn't know why. I ran away from the blur. From the sun. Smiles. Memories of her kept coming up from their prison. I can't. This is for her!
Who was that blur? It wasn't Yellow. So stop thinking about it. I'm here because I can't protect her in this state of mind and body. The snow turned to concrete as I arrived in the small city of Snowpoint. I slowed down. Barriers. Put them up. Block them out. No emotion. I picked up my head, and headed to the Center. I'm alone. But I will see her again. Why am I thinking that I'm here unwillingly? But... I don't know how long I'll be here. I am going to stay here until I'm ready. To face my fears. Of losing those I love. I looked down at my hands. I clenched them tight. I'm going to do it. Get stronger. So I will be able to face her again.

Yellow's P.O.V.

I ran through the forest of pines, toward the fading sun. I smiled widely for no reason. I can't wait for another day of training. I'm almost there. To Maxing out Healing Pokémon! Out of the corner of my eye, I see a blur of black and red. I didn't stop, only kept running towards the sun. Something will happen today. I know it. I have been acclimated to the nature of Snowpoint. This is actually my first time seeing snow itself. The white cold...
I gasped excitedly when I reached a small pond. The edges of the pond were slightly iced over, and not a single creature was in sight. I calmed myself down. This is no time for playing. I searched the area for any injured Pokémon. For some reason, wild Pokémon injuries have become increasingly common, which is not a good sign. And there are no solid reports on what's done it. All of them say that blurs came out of nowhere and attacked. Anyone. Anything.
A high pitched whelp echoed throughout the pond. I turned my head sharply to see an Eevee collapse on the edge of the opposite side of the water. "Hold on! I'm coming!" I shouted. This is also odd. A wild Eevee? I knelt down besides the small Pokémon. It's so tiny compared to its kin, at the approximate size of both of my hands. Assessing the damage, I came to a conclusion. Third Degree Burns and Extreme Fatigue.
I quickly healed the Eevee's extravagant burns on her hind legs. The poor thing. Soon enough, she was up and about, checking her repaired legs. She looked at me, and then nuzzled my hand. I smiled at her. "You are ok now. You can go. Find your family." I said, leaving it be by the small pond.
I walked through the dark trees. I think I'm ready. To Heal Nature. I looked at my hands, stopping in my tracks. You can't doubt yourself. I nodded, remembering her words. I kept on walking, my coat flapping mildly in the cold breeze. I can't think about her right now. I looked up at the dark sky. This is the same sky Red is looking at. Suddenly, the dense forest opened up in to a clearing of broken trees. What happened here?
But it was oddly perfect. Repair the trees. I found a smaller tree that was broken in half. I sat down beside it and stretched out my hands. I could feel it's life energy pouring out of it. Gather your feelings and direct them towards the life source. The more complex the creature, the harder it is to heal. I nodded again. Remember all the things she said. I directed my feelings toward the tree. Heal it...
Its memories suddenly filled my mind. A huge Pokémon with immense power whacking down all the trees. One by one, the trees around us were slammed by vines. The Pokémon jumped aside, letting me see its Trainer. I gasped in shock and surprise. I recoiled away from the tree and stopped healing it. I breathed heavily in fear. His face... Was power hungry. Insane. But I could only make out his manically positioned eyes and mouth. Who is that...Terrifying? Then I remembered someone. Giovanni.
I collected myself. Those were the end of the tree's memories. That's the difficult thing about healing nature. They can't control their memories, so they all pour into you. It's seems strange, but think of nature like a human. It's horrifyingly confusing, but you get the hang of it. I once again settled down by the tree. I breathed in and out. You can do this. I closed my eyes. The healing process began once again. Only give nature positive emotions. Or else, the tree will reject you. And possibly injure you. That's right. That's what she said to me. What Mom said to me before she died.
I opened my eyes as the tears of the past surrounded my concentration and crushed it. Her grave. Crying. Alone. A force blocked out my healing powers and pushed me away. An unbearably loud ringing noise echoed in my mind. I screamed silently right before an explosion engulfed my hands, and blasted me meters away from the tree. I slid to a stop in the snow.
I felt my consciousness fading. Stay awake. I looked through blurry eyes at the my hands. They were bloody and burned horribly. How strange. I looked where the tree was and only saw melted snow and burnt grass. My blood seeped into the snow, and looked like a flavored snow cone. I'm fading. Stay awake. I tried to stand up. Half way up, I almost toppled over. Holding the bloody snow in my burning hands, I tried again. This hurts. I stood up shakily. I stumbled backwards. I miss Mom. I just want to fall asleep in her arms and cry.
I struggled to keep my open. I heard shouting. I looked up to see a blonde man running towards me. Everything was blurry, but he looked so familiar. Shock spread throughout my body. "Dad?" I managed to whisper. I couldn't stay awake. I let the darkness take me. I fell forward and felt Dad catch me. I'm so happy... Something wet fell on my face. I flinched in surprise. How... What did this forest bring? And all was black.

Someone's P.O.V.

"Tsk. I can't believe them. Saying they were going somewhere special alone. So all I get to do is walk alone in this forest! Even my Pokèmon wanted to stay in the mansion..." I said grumpily. I looked up at the sky. It's going to snow soon. I sighed in defeat. I might as well head back.
Suddenly, a loud ringing noise erupted in my head. I clutched my ears and struggled not to cry out in pain. What the hell?! Just like that, it was gone. "What was that?" I asked the air. "Vee!" An Eevee suddenly bolted in front of me and ran through the woods. "Hey! Where are you going?" I shouted, chasing after the Eevee. What is up with this forest?
Eevee suddenly disappeared through a thicket. Just my luck. "Wait up!" I yelled, trying to hop over the bush. Finally managing to get over, I gasped in surprise to see a completely wrecked clearing. Broken trees, a random burned spot, and... A girl? Eevee was already running up to the girl who was struggling to stay on her feet. "Hey! Can you hear me?" I shouted at the girl while running to her. I can see the blood dripping down from her hands. She looks up at me, and I can see shock spread on her pale face. She whispers something I can't quite catch, and starts to fall over. "H-hey!" I stuttered catching her in my arms. "Wake up!" I said, shaking her. "Vee Vee!" The Eevee is looking at this girl, and then me, obviously worried.
"Ok, I'll take her to my place. You can come too!" I said hurriedly as the long awaited snow began to fall. The first snowflake fell onto the girl's face, and she flinched. At least she's still alive. I carried her in my arms, and started to run towards the mansion. Hold on for a little longer, Mystery Girl.

Red's P.O.V.

The snow was really coming down when I returned to my training clearing. I was still pondering about the blur I saw earlier when I saw the new additions to the battlefield. Burns in the snow, slightly covered in snow. And... Blood? I picked up the bloody snow, then looked up at the sky. "What happened here?" I murmured.

What will happen to Yellow? Is this man really her Dad? And will Red ever notice his change in behavior? SO MANY QUESTIONS!! Well, hope you enjoyed! 💩Rin💩

Word Count: 1849

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