She Wishes She Never Loved

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Red's P.O.V.

      "Ugh! I'm so bored." I sighed, plopping myself down on the red velvet couch in the Poké Center. Training got done real fast today. I think I'm stronger than before. I shook my head violently. No, Red. You have to become more confident. I balled my hand up into a fist. I'm stronger than I ever was before!

     I let my head sag over the couch and against the cold, beige wall. It's been well over a week since I came to the snow ridden city of Sinnoh. Eat, train, sleep. Over and over again. I stared up at the plain, white ceiling, with no indents or crevices in sight. I miss the fun I used to have. Battling with Green, arguing with Blue, laughing with...

     I stood up and walked outside of the center. The concrete had acquired quite a lot of potholes, which are now filled with snow. I personally hated the cold. The frost that killed the greenery, the ice that froze the water... All it does is take. The sky was always gray, never letting the sun get the entire picture of the ground. "Tsk." I scoffed at the frozen water droplets. Then I took my long stroll along to edge of Lake Acuity. The edges were frozen by a thin sheet of ice, with minuscule cracks lodged into it. Not a Pokémon was found.

     "Hurry up! We have to find her! And fast!" A group of kids whizzed past me, that looked awfully familiar. And who were they talking about? They rounded the corner that led into te city, and vanished from my sight. Should I follow them and see what's going on? I shrugged. I have nothing better to do.

"Nurse Joy! Have you seen a girl this tall with blonde hair?" One of the girls asked urgently, raising her hand about 5 feet of the ground. The group of 6 kids that were a little younger than me were bombarding Nurse Joy with questions about some girl. "N-no I haven't." Joy said cautiously. 5 feet and blonde hair? It can't be...

"Who are you talking about?" I asked, approaching the group. "It's not your- W-wait! Red?!" One of the boys said. "Ruby? And everyone else? Why are you here?" I asked. In front of me was both the Sinnoh and Hoenn Dex Holders. "I-its Y-yellow. S-she... They-!" Sapphire sputtered out before a ring was heard.

Ring. Ring. Call from: Unknown. Ring Ring.

I shakily reached for my PokéGear. What about Yellow? My eyes shook in anxiety. What if she... "H-hello?" I answered the call. Pearl, Diamond, Platina, Emerald, Sapphire, and Ruby huddled around me tentatively. "Is this the Champion, Red? If so, don't hang up if you don't want your friend to suffer the consequences." I recoiled away from the machine. What? "This is Red. Who do you have?" I said. No. Don't let it be her. Anyone but her. "Oh, you don't know? Maybe you shouldn't have abandoned her, and she would be fine. Probably not though. We would still take her." The voice said, chuckling maniacally. "Who do you have, God dammit?!" I yelled into the device.

"You really are that dense! It's your sweet friend, the one who you saved from death and insanity. Yellow of The Viridian Forest." The machine would have cracked on the tile floor if not for the band that connected to the Gear that was strapped to my wrist. My black, spiky hair covered my eyes as I regained the Gear into my hands. "What do you want? If you do anything to Yellow, I swear to Arceus, I will kill you. I promise you that." I whispered, half to myself. I will kill this man.

"I'm afraid, even if I did do something to her, you wouldn't be able to hold your end of that promise. Because I hold all the cards. You are empty handed. I know what I want, what I can do, what I will do to achieve my goal. Making promises you can't keep is a bad habit, Red. Anyway, meet me at the base of Mt. Coronet in 30 minutes. Unless..."

"I'll go." With that, the call ended. I pushed through the Holders and out the door. "Wait! You can't be serious! You are playing right into his hands! Surely you-" Pearl started, but never finished. "I'm going and you can't stop me. I'll save Yellow, then kill every single person on the same side of the man." I said icily before stalking off towards Coronet. "Be careful, Red. Because you are starting to look like Giovanni. Don't go on the same path as him." I stopped, and turned my head around to look at Platina staring at me. "You aren't Giovanni. So don't be like him." She stated, turning her back on me and walking back in the direction they came from. I look like... Giovanni? I began walking back to the icy mountain. I don't care what I look like. Or who I am. As long as I can save my friends, I can live without regrets. My fury filled eyes burned into the snow in my path. Just you wait. I'll find you, Yellow.

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