Chapter 1

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Here I am standing in front of my mirror I run my hands down my chest my abs and to my crotch. I sigh and look myself. Why do I have this vagina? I'm suppose to be a guy not a women. To be honest I don't know what I am. Ever since I found out I had this vagina it's been hard.

"Jacob come on let's go to the doctor for your appointment!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Ok ma"

I throw on a shirt grab my book bag as run downstairs and out to the car. I don't understand it. I don't understand how or why. I am looking out the window I see this guy kissing on this girl his hands grab her ass and her hands grab his crotch. I look down at my pants and I sigh. Nobody knows about this. I had girlfriends but every time they would try to have sex with me I break it off with them. It's hard to walk around with this problem. It's even harder to walk in school because girls grab on me and try to grab my crotch hoping for a long thing and I have to hurry and stop them.

-hours pass-

We pull up to the doctor office. I sigh and get out and we sitting waiting for my name to be called. Is this what it's like? waiting for your name to get called? because when I go back there I might not ever come out the same or will I? I'm hoping its a fix. I don't know. Do you know? "Jacob Perez!"

I look at my mom she look at me an grab my hand we walk back there together I sit on the table and the doctor look at me.

"Hello I'm Doctor.Lopez."

"Hello I'm faith Perez."

"And who is this young man?"

I look up at him I quickly look down I can't bare to even look at him I been starring at his crotch I see what he has he have what a man suppose to have.

"Jacob Jacob honey answer the nice man."

"Well I'm Jacob....Jacob Perez." I say while looking up slowly trying to make myself look at him.

"Well mr Perez I see here you was born with a vagina..well your what we call a transgender."

" he will be fine right?" my concerned mother asked.

"He will be fine it's not a disease its just how he was born. He could get surgery for it if he want us to give him a male body part we could do that........ but if he wants to just be a female we also have that surgery but it is up to him and what he wants to do."

"He want you to get rid of the vagina! now!" my mother exclaimed.

"Mrs. Perez no disrespect but it is up to him."

"I am his mother I know what's best for him!"

"But this is his body. This is what he wants for himself."

I shake my head and look at them too the doctor look aggravated by my mom. "Mom can we just go?" I look at her I know she see I'm ready to just leave.

"Lets go hijo."

We leave and drive to the school. I'm thinking about this long and hard I mean I like girls I would like to experience sex...but then I wonder what it's going to be like to be a girl.

Well here is the first chapter.

-do you think Jacob should get the surgery?

-mama Perez was a little too jumpy when the doctor said the options. Don't you think?

Ok my first chapter now I need

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Transgender (princexray)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora