Chapter 5

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I'm not going to schol today and I told my mom I'm staying over ray house. I just couldn't bring myself to go to school and get laughed at again. I sigh and I sit up and watch ray get dressed for school. Yes he going and I'm staying I told him I don't want him to miss school just because of me.

"Baby are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you? will you and Oreo be ok?" he said as Oreo his dog come jump in my lap. I smile and I shake my head yes and he kiss my forehead then leave. I sigh and rub on Oreo belly.

"O Oreo should I get this surgery for me to be a full boy. This so hard though like I'm not sure what I want any more." I said and he bark at me and lick my face. I laugh and I start going through ray stuff and I see porno books I laugh and start flipping through them. I throw it back in its hiding place as his mom walk in the room.

"Jacob why you not in school baby boy?" I sigh and I sit down and tell her everything that happen.

"It's ok look get whatever surgery you think is right for you. Come on." She said as she grabbed my hand and I grabbed Oreo and followed her.


Me and roc walking through the halls and prod is just in my vision I just want to run up and beat his ass. I breath and roc just push me towards the locker. We get our books for class and prod walks up to me. I sigh and try to walk around him as his "friends" blocking my way.

"Yo excuse me man." I said trying to walk around again,but one push me against the locker.

"So where your transgender boyfriend?" prod ask smirking at me.

"He at home now move before I move for you!" I yelled and he just smirks and they move and I walk with roc to class.

"Man you can't let them see you get angry. That's what they want to see." He said I couldn't even say a thing I could just see me punching him right in his face and just beating him till he bleed.

-lunch time-

I walk outside for lunch to check up on prince he haven't been texting me back. Eveytime I text him I never get a reply.

-phon convo-

"Hello?" I said

"Hey baby!" he said excitedly.

"Baby why haven't you been texting me back I was worried?"

"O im fine baby you shouldn't be texting in school no way now go learn and go eat and I'll see you after ok?"

"Ok bye baby"

-phone convo over-

He hang up then I go and sit with roc at a table. He smile at me and he eat fat ass. Then what do you know prod come and sit at our table like we not friends go away. I don't need to get in anymore fights because its our last year but he really pushing his damn luck.

"So ray where your little girl- sorry I meant boyfriend." He said smirking at me.

"So ask him how that chicken blood taste." He said laughing and I jump up and punch him. He fall and I start stomping him. Then that's when He got up and start punching me back. I felt roc pulling me back and I see prod bloody he spit and they holding him back.

-in the principle office-

I'm sitting here waiting for my mom to come pick me up. In a few minutes she bust in and sign me out since I'm suspended for five days and she grab me by my ear. she drag me to the car where this sexy as girl is standing by my car but I have a boyfriend.

"Ma who is that?" I said as she let go of my ear.

"It's Jacob." She said I look close and it is him. He have on make up, his hair straighten and he have a bang, and he have on a skirt and a shirt that show his belly button piercing which I hope is a clip on.

"Baby you look" I said kissing him

"Baby do you think I should become a girl and stuff?" he said and asked me.

"Baby listen do whatever you think is right." I said kissing him and getting in the car.

I guess all this bullying got to him but then this make over is sexy on him. What if he did become a girl?

-mystery person pov-

I look at Jacob dressed like a girl and I step on my gas. That's it I'm going to have to do something. Uggh but what. Just then a smirk land on they face I have the perfect idea.

Well guys here is another chapter everyone web waiting on it. I know it's lame but ok trying. Comment and vote and share.

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