Chapter 4

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I'm walking back and forth in the guest room. I can't believe ray did that can you? I I have to get out of here I hurry and pack my clothes and I turn to walk out the door but ray blocks it.

"Where are you going?" he asked stepping closer to me. I started backing up afraid he might slap me silly.

"Ray I know you and the guys hate me." I said not even looking up at him.

"Ray look I know you think I'm a disgusting hum-" I couldn't finish because I felt soft plump lips on mine.

"Prince stop talking and listen to me. I have secretly liked you ok. This secret is just between me you and the guys. I like you prince and I just I want to know do you-" he couldn't finish the last thing but I don't know what he was about to say.

"Ray why are you trying to say?"

"Prince I want you to be my boyfriend." I look at ray I mean I always had this feelings about guys but not huge feelings I like girls more but I guess I could try.

"O-ok but ray your my first boyfriend so it's going to take me time to get use to this ok." I said looking at him.

"Of course you my second one the first one was a secret but look ill take my time with you I won't rush you into anything ok." I shake my head yes and we hug.

-one week pass-

Me and prince been good he just he not ready to come out but I understand it's been nothing but a week and I'm taking my time for him. Roc promise he wouldn't say anything to anyone but prod he been acting so weird we haven't even seen him. He been hanging with those popular kids I don't know why. We all hated them they use to always try to push us around they think they better then someone.

"Hey ray ray!" I heard prince yell as he sit down at the table in class with roc we all just talk until prod come in with the 'we all that' crew uggh. I roll my eyes and prince look at me.

"Baby you ok?" he whisper in my ear so nobody could hear and I look at him and smile wishing I could just kiss him. I hear people giggling and laughing in the back I turn around and look at them and it's like they looking right at me.

"Hey roc you know why them girls laughing and giggling at us?" I asked as roc look back and see them and he look at me and shrug his shoulder.


Ever since I found out Jacob is a transgender I knew I seen a little bit of boobs but it looks like he been working out you couldn't really tell but still this gross. Him and ray going out and that's double gross. Prince is such a freak I knew he was one when I met him so I stopped hanging with those dorks. Today in school at lunch it's going to be the worst day of there lives.

-lunch time-

Everyone at lunch and the girls run back from setting everything up and I smirk at them. Another get up on the stage and get everyone attention.

"Ok everybody! I need a Jacob Perez to the stage!" I look and see him roc and ray at a table they all look confused but these guys push him over there.

"Ok so everybody know Jacob right!?" I see everyone keep looking and some of the guys on this ladder and they let this huge poster fall with prince picture and he have a dress on and his nails painted and the poster say transgender. Everyone taking pictures and laughing then this bucket on chicken blood gets dumped on him and I sart dying laughing. Ray and roc help him off stage while everyone laughing and pointing. This is just great now he embarrassed and I get to get paid. I go to the boys bathroom to make a call.

-phone call-

"Did you do what I asked?"

"Yes but I don't think I should have did this in front of the whole school."

"Shut up ok you did what I asked so you going to get paid after its all over."

-phone convo over-

I look at my phone and walk out and look in the mirror this isn't me but I have to do what I have to do.


We at roc house trying to get this chicken blood out of my hair. I can't stop crying I can't live like this I thought prod was my friend.

"O I can't believe prod!" roc yelled aggregately while coming and washing my hair.ray is pacing the floor pissed off as hell

"Look prince get in the shower wash really good and use my shampoo the whole bottle and comndition." roc told me I went and did what he said.

Is this the price to pay by me being born like this it's not my fault. Maybe I should just get this damn surgery and get it over with but ray like me for who I am right?

Well I know I know I haven't been updating and I know this is short but hey I'm trying. Comment and vote guys.

-who is this mystery person?

-do you think prince should stay how he is?

-why do you guys think about prod.

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I you don't meet this goal then you don't get a update period.

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