Chapter 2 - Realisation

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" Ouch.." I said trying to pat my head but my hand was stuck under my car seat. I felt sharp pain in my head and faintly heard ambulance sirens before passing out.


My eagerness for y/n's arrival was decreasing as the time went by. Suddenly there was a feminine and light tap on my shoulder, thinking it was her i quickly around with my arms spread open but to my disappointment, it was the cafe owner.

Without realising that i had stayed there for the whole day, the owner told me that it was time for the cafe to close. Sadly i walked out of the cafe hoping y/n would arrive at the very last minute but to no avail.

Once i had processed what had just happened, i called her. No answer. I then decided i would not to wait for her call instead it would be best to just send her a voicemail.

"Hey..... you didn't come today......Oh well i can't force you to like me....Hope to see you in school tomorrow...."

Next day.......

I woke up with puffy eyes and decided to reduce the puffiness by running. I then got ready for school. I thought it would be best not to accompany y/n to school today after the incident that had happened yesterday.

The morning bell already rang but there was no sight of y/n. It was already the end of the day and she still haven't arrived yet. I thought she was sick at first, but this continued for the whole week.

When I got home, I heard cries so I decided to follow the crying sounds to see who it was. When I got to our living room, I saw my mom crying uncontrollably and my dad at the side patting her, trying to comfort her. I was about to ask what had happened until I saw the newspapers headline.


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