Chapter 12 - In my head

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I cried for hours continuously. My heart hurt 



That was until someone touched my shoulder , I looked up with anticipation hoping for it to be Jungkook.

And it was.

I looked at him all teary eyed and felt a sharp stab for the millionth time , he smiled at me with the delicate smile that he had always brought around with him.

"Jung- Jungkook...." I stuttered.

He didn't say anything back, he just gently caressed my face as I closed my eyes and felt his hand gently rub my cheek.

I loved this feeling. I wanna feel like this forever. My heart was beating fast as tears trickled down my eyes , he gently wiped my tears with his thumb and whispered to me 

" Don't cry y/n , smile for me please..." He had the puppy look on his face and I couldn't help but smile.

Jungkook sat on my bed and I poured out my heart to him , he didn't say a word , he just listened to everything I had to say.

After hearing me out , Jungkook stood up. I wondered what he was doing as he grabbed my hand.

He stared into my eyes as he laid both his hands on mine. It felt as if time had stopped once again and we were the only ones in the world.

"Goodbye y/n" He said as he smiled.

"What? Where are you going??" I asked anxiously.

"Its time for me to go..." He whispered at he looked at our hands.

I started tearing up as I realised he started fading away.

"JUNGKOOK! JUNGKOOK NO!! PLEASE DONT GO!!!" I shouted as he faded into fog.


"JUNGKOOK!!" I shouted as I bolted right up.

My tears had been dried up on the pillow but it had stains of water on it. I felt like crying as I looked around the room trying to find jungkook , but to no avail.

Thats when I realised all of it was just



Remember me- Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now