Chapter Two

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"You're not going anywhere, Lizzie. You belong to me, you always have, and you always will. I will not lose you twice." David said, pulling me to his chest, locking me in his arms "Let go of me, David. You're hurting me!" I said thrashing as he lifted me into the air "David, take a hint. Elizabeth isn't interested. Just let her go." Rick said "I never stopped loving you, Elizabeth. And deep down, I know that part of you still loves me." David said "Listen David, I broke things off three years ago. Get over me and move on with your life." I said 'David had grasped tighter, I squirmed harder, I then placed my head down biting into David's wrist, he had released me as I scrambled to my feet running to Rick's side..' "Lizzie, did you just bite me?" David asked "I'm sorry but you didn't really give me a choice, David." I said "You drew blood." David said "A little drop, you big baby." I said "You alright?" Rick asked "Yeah, Rick. I'm fine." I said "I'll meet you at the truck." Rick said 'I had ran to the truck, looking over my shoulder seeing David sneaking behind Rick..' "Rick, watch out!" I yelled, as David knocked him to the ground "That seemed easy enough..." David said, turning away "Rick.. I have to help him." I said running toward him on the field "Elizabeth, I told you to go to the truck." Rick said "Rick, look at you, David knocked you to the ground. Come on, let's get you to the truck." I said, as he put his arm over my shoulders for balance "Ow, he really let me have it." Rick said "You know, you should consider yourself lucky. He would have left you to die." I said "If you weren't there, he probably would have." Rick said, pulling himself up "Just lie still. Conserve what little strength you have." I said "I'm sorry I snapped at you, I know you were only trying to help." Rick said "It's fine. I just feel ashamed I ever dated him. I'm actually glad that I left David. God knows what might have happened if I stayed with him." I said "How did you even end up with him, anyway?" Rick asked "We grew up together, he had a crush on me since we were three, and when we were in high school he would ask me out repeatedly and I agreed just to shut him up, and that one date turned into three years of cruelty and abuse. So I left him after I was nearly beaten to death after one of David's drunk episodes." I said "Good call getting out of that relationship." Rick said "If I hadn't I probably wouldn't be here right now." I said "Elizabeth, are you okay?" Caleb asked "Yes, Dad. I'm fine." I said "David's in the hospital. Says a rabid badger bit him." Caleb said "A badger?" I repeated "I don't want you going anywhere on your own for a while-- who's your friend?" Caleb asked glancing over at Rick "This is Rick St. John, he's new in town, and he had a run-in with David, he was trying to protect me." I said "David tried coming after you again? You're the one that bit him, weren't you?" Caleb asked "He wouldn't let go. I had no other choice, Dad. And Rick got hurt so I ran back, and brought him here." I said "Rick, you have a home yet?" Caleb asked "Not yet, sir. I just came from the city." Rick said "What if Rick were to stay in the loft, no one really uses it. It's been vacant for quite some time." I said "You willing to work my stables, Rick?" Caleb asked "I love horses. Yes, I'll take the job, Mr. Hawkins." Rick said "Call me Caleb." Caleb said "Alright, Caleb." Rick said "I'll help you move your stuff into the loft." I said "I'd like that." Rick said smiling at me 'Hours had passed, I had taken Rick to the loft, helping unpack his things when David peeks in..' "David, what are you doing here?" I asked "What the hell are you doing in the loft, St. John?" David asked "Caleb gave me the loft. I live and work here now, as the stable boy." Rick said "Well, what's Elizabeth doing here?" David asked "I was helping Rick settle in. Is that a problem that I'm helping a friend, David, or is it too much for your pigheaded personality?" I said "Elizabeth Hawkins, I have been in love with you since we were three and I'm asking you to spend the rest of your life with me; as Mrs. David McGraw. All you have to do is say one little word." David said "Not this again. David, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've moved on." I said "So, is that a maybe?" David asked "Not after the way you nearly left me for dead." I said shoving him out of the loft and locking the door behind him 'Hours later after David had left, Rick and I had went over to a hill and watched the sun going down over the ranch. I felt something with Rick that I hadn't felt when I was with David, I felt compassion and a deep emotional connection with Rick, letting out a deep sigh, Rick pulled me close as I rested my head on his muscular broad shoulders as the final ray of sun had disappeared... And so had my fears.'

~End of Chapter 2~

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