Chapter Four

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'I had gone to the loft the next morning to get Rick, I had walked in, lurking around... It was all too quiet...' "Rick, are you in here?" I asked "Got you!" Rick said playfully tackling me to the ground "Hey.. Good morning to you, too." I chuckled "Just stay there..." Rick said, leaning toward me "Rick..." I said "Shhh, don't say a word, Elizabeth. Just lie still, and let me look at you just a bit longer." Rick said brushing loose strands of hair from my face "Elizabeth, Rick. Breakfast-- Oh, was I interrupting anything?" Caleb asked "No, Dad. I was just coming to get him. And I--slipped. Rick was just helping me up." I said as Rick pulled me up "There you go. Sorry." Rick said "I'm fine, Rick. Let's go." I said as the three of us headed toward the house "Elizabeth, you will be my wife, I'm sure of that, even if your precious stable boy has to be taken care of." David said "Good morning, Rick." Alice said "Hey, Alice. Dani." Rick said "Okay, Elizabeth, spill it. What were you and Rick doing last night?" Danielle whispered in my ear "A lady doesn't kiss and tell, Dani." I said "Oh, my God. Did you make out with him?" Alice whispered "I just helped him settle in." I said 'Danielle and Alice nodded at me sarcastically. I looked over at Rick as he took a glass and a pitcher of water..' "She totally made out with Rick, you can see the pleasure in her eyes." Danielle said softly "Lizzie's in love." Alice said in a teasing sing song manner "That's enough. Rick is sitting down." I whispered to them sharply "I hope you're planning to talk to him." Alice said "What are you talking about?" I asked "Because he's taking the chair closest to yours." Danielle said putting a forkful of scrambled egg in her mouth "What are you three talking about?" Rick asked "Nothing important." I said, turning bright red and turning to face Danielle and Alice "Hey.. Who's this good looking side of grade A prime beef sitting at our table?" Serena asked "Rick St. John, you're another of Elizabeth's sisters, aren't you?" Rick asked "Serena. Nice to meet you. Elizabeth, you should have told me we were having company. I would have fixed myself up." Serena said "Forget it, Serena, he's Elizabeth's." Alice said biting into her toast "Hi, Elizabeth. Alice, Serena. Danielle. And you must be our new stable boy Rick St. John, right?" Mary Beth asked "Yeah, you're Mary Beth? Caleb's second born daughter, right?" Rick asked "You'd be right, sir." Mary Beth said "Elizabeth.." Jessie called "The brat's awake, Lizzie." Serena said "The only brat in this family is you, Serena. I'm coming, Jess. Excuse me for a minute, I'll be right back." I said getting up from the table "Why do you have to pick on her all the time, Serena? She's only five." Mary Beth said "She is the reason Mom died. It's her fault she's not here." Serena said "Elizabeth, is it my fault Mommy isn't here?" Jessie asked "No, of course it's not, Jess. Who would tell you something horrible like that?" I asked "Serena told me it's my fault that she died, and if I hadn't been born, Mommy would still be here." Jessie said, tears filling up in her eyes "Serena's wrong, Jessie. Dad was overjoyed when you were born, even though Mom only knew you for five minutes, she loved you so much. I'll make sure that Dad has a talk with Serena later. Come on. There are eggs waiting at the table for you." I said, lifting her up "I see the murderous child is here." Serena said "Leave her alone, Serena. That is our little sister's feelings you're hurting." Danielle said after slapping Serena across her face "Once Dad hears about this he'll punish you by locking you in the cellar." Alice said "Who do you think Daddy's gonna believe; the daughter with the good looks, or the one who killed our mother?" Serena said "Serena, that's enough. Just ignore her, Jessie. It's not your fault." Danielle said "Hi, Jessie. I'm Rick. What happened to your mother isn't your fault. Your four big sisters are right. Don't be so hard on yourself." Rick said "How long are you planning on holding this over her head?" I asked "You need to stand by our family." Serena said "Jessie is our family." I said "Jessie, who are your best friends?" Rick asked "Elizabeth, Alice, Danielle and Mary Beth." Jessie said 'My little sister, Jessie has been blamed for the death of our mother by our sister, Serena since she was born, who only pretended to be nice to Jessie when Dad was around, Rick knew the truth, my sisters and I knew, and we've been protecting and defending Jessie ever since... Just once I'd like to see Serena get caught picking on Jessie... I hated seeing her upset.' "Hi, Daddy. You're looking handsome today." Serena said "Jessie, are you feeling okay?" Caleb asked "Daddy, I just gave you a compliment." Serena said "Oh, we're sorry, Serena, but they stopped handing out medals and trophies for butt-kissing." I said 'Rick had headed out toward the stables where David hops over the fence in front of him..' "David, what are you doing here?" Rick asked "I've come by to tell you to end your little fling with Elizabeth, otherwise you will get hurt, St. John." David said "Elizabeth has moved on. She doesn't want to be with you." Rick said "Rick, is everything alright back here?" I asked "Elizabeth. Is that a new blouse?" David asked 'It was then I looked over and saw a six-shot revolver tucked in the back of David's pants, which he had then reached for, I then picked up a stone, throwing it at his wrist, giving Rick time to escape, it was then that I was grabbed by David as he took the gun and aimed for Rick's chest...'

~End of Chapter 4~

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