Double Confusion!?

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So... anyone confused?  Better not hit yourself.  My Lombre Slick was confused by the Pokemon move Swagger.  Yeah, that's an actual move.  This move raises the attack stat of your Pokemon, but also confuses it.  So, Slick knows Teeter Dance, which ALSO confuses Pokemon.  So, the Sharpedo used Swagger and it was on target.  Slick was confused.  I had Slick use Teeter Dance WHILE CONFUSED.  It went through.  BOTH POKEMON GOT CONFUSED!

XD I mean, that helped me WIN the battle and all, but still, that's funny! XD  I was up against the leader of Team Aqua.  When he says "Oh!  You went and did it, didn't you?", I can't help that THIS instance is a GOOD use of the phrase!  I'm sorry, but that's funny!  Comment what you think below.  PEACE!

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