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Holy macarons!  Tagged for a questionnaire for the FIRST TIME IN FOREVER~

Sorry, had to do that.  I got tagged by Gamergirl80, so check out her randomness book!

  I got tagged by Gamergirl80, so check out her randomness book!

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1. I dunno!  Erm... my OC Eris, mainly because she committed suicide 100 times, living after each attempt, and got help from her sister, which makes her VERY human.

2. 10, because I like your books so much!

3. In real life, a girl named Jordan.  Not giving her last name for clear reasons.

4. Can't choose between "Pokemon Alpha Sapphire" or "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", so I'd say the latter.

5. Main characters.  ESPECIALLY those who make mistakes, like Link.

6. Don't have one yet.

7. Headache

8. I've only played one game with riding, so Epona for LoZ.  As for Mario Kart, well, I've played a little, and I'll go with the kart.


10. Wii Sports, mainly because it was the first Wii game I ever played, and because I got it for Christmas, too!

11. One with a high ceiling for a bunker bed and, well, the color scheme would be pink and red, and of course, it would be CLEAN!

12. Anything.  I'm in art classes for a reason!

13. I have several of them! Amorshipping (Pokemon XY), Vixel (do I need to even say it?), Link X Zelda (they are so cute!), and, well, a few others, but if I had to pick JUST one, it would be the first one!

14. I have several.  One of them is Gravity Falls.

15. Yeah, of course!

So, hope you learned something about me!  So, just gonna tag 2 people I know.



Yeah, couldn't think of anyone else.  Here are my questions:

1. Favorite LoZ game?

2. Favorite Youtuber?

3. Favorite animal?

4. Who is the nicest person you can think of?

5. Would you date one of the characters from Pokemon?

6. If so, which one? (referencing the question above)

7. Best friend?

8. Would you rather have a cold or the flu?

9. Favorite type of fanfiction?

10. Would you kill someone in the LoZ franchise if you had to? (talking about the characters!)

11. Favorite character from a video game?

12. Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask?

13. Any siblings?

14. Who do you like to roleplay with?

15. How do you like me as a friend?

And that's it.  I might not have done this right.  And, also, SORRY ALYA!  I COULDN'T THINK OF ANYONE ELSE TO TAG! 0w0

Well, see ya around.  PEACE!

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