My Mewtwo, MEOWtwo!

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Yeah, I shouldn't have done that.  However, that is in fact the name I gave my Mewtwo!  It took TWO tries to get the stupid thing, but that's because I didn't have enough Ultraballs to actually catch it.  Second time around, I went in with 80 Ultraballs, and I came out of it with 75.  It took FIVE Ultraballs, MINUS the four I used on the first try, and I got it!  The grand total of the 'balls I ACTUALLY used, INCLUDING the four Ultraballs I used on the first try?  Eight Ultraballs, ten Greatballs, four Pokeballs, one Diveball, and ten Quickballs.  Most of them on the first try.  So, that was 33 'balls that I used!

So, the nickname.  I wanted to be funny and, just for shits and giggles, I named Mewtwo Meowtwo.  I just wanted to be goofy.  I HATE the fact that Mewtwo has Recover, it gets fucking annoying.  But, anyway, tell me about YOUR Mewtwo experience. PEACE!

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