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Esmeralda POV

"I'm leaving. " I said standing in Sebastian's doorway. Gio was next to Sebastian on the floor playing video games. "Take good care of my little brother or I will cut you. "

"Hold up are you wearing makeup?" Gio stopped the game to look at me. "Good your not wearing makeup so it's not a date. You should though to cover up that pimple on your nose. "

I quickly touched my nose but there wasn't anything there. "Gio I hate you! "I yelled at him.

"But seriously put some of  concealer on and some mascara, you're probably taking pictures." He said before returning to his game.

I ran to the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I realized Gio was right. I look like I haven't slept in days. I then proceeded to put a little makeup on. Gio came in and looked at me in the mirror.

"Better?" I asked turning towards him.

"Yes. " he said moving a lose piece of hair from my face. Why does that keep on happening? He just starred at my face his eyebrows furrowed concentrating on my face.

"What's wrong?" I laughed nervously.

"You're not happy. " he said, he kind of pouted. I laugh at him, realizing he was just joking to see my reaction.

"Sofía, I'm not joking" he said harshly, cupping my face so I would stop laughing and pay attention to what he's saying. I then realized he wasn't joking. Gio  calls me by my middle name, Sofia, when when he's angry or talking about something serious.

Then I started to remember about my dad, he was the only other person who calls me Sofia. I always pretend that he's just working all night at the restaurant and will be here the next morning. Not a day passes by that I think about him it hasn't even been a year since he passed away.

My eyes water as I look at the ground avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you sad. I know that when I call you that you think of your dad." Gio said his voice now comforting. He then wrapped his arms around me. "Don't cry."he said. Idiot you know that makes me cry, I thought but couldn't get the words out, I was too busy trying to keep the tears in. "Your going to the fair are you sure your ready to go again. You haven't been since you know..." he started to say but stopped and hugged tighter.

Just as the tears were about to fall the door bell rang. "Ez there's this guy asking for you...with a motorcycle..." I heard Sebastian say skeptically. I basically ran out the door towards Thomas.

"Forgetting something." Seb said. I walked back and hugged my little brother. "Te quiero" (I love you) I said. " Love you" he said back.

I walked back towards Thomas my head down hopping he wouldn't see my face. It was red from trying to keep tears in.

"Hey." I said

"Hey ready to go?" He asked handing me my helmet.

"Yeah" I quickly grabbed the helmet and put it on. I got on the motorcycle right after he got on. Once he started it up and drove it to the end of the street, I remembered my fear of them and I held onto him tighter.

We got to the fair and I was so relieved. I heard Thomas laugh. " You can get off me now." He said. I got off and took my helmet off. "I thought you cut off my circulation at one point " He said before getting of his motorcycle.

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