Chapter 2 I Don't Have Facebook

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After two minutes he responded.

How are you?

I'm good and you?

I'm cool. Thank you for accepting
to speak to me

Do you know me?

I saw your picture at facebook.
I think you are beautiful and I
would like to get to know you

I don't have facebook

I saw a picture of you
and your friend at McDonald's.

Romeo told me about you

I didn't know what to say. I'm not social. So I said :


I left my grandma's house. I went home. I found my mom, dad and Micaela (my 11 year old sister) watching the television

That's how things were. Whenever I came back from school. I'd always find my parents and Micaela watching the television

"Hi everyone. Im back from school." I said

"Hi." My mom and Micaela greeted back

"Welcome home come join us" My dad said

"Oh I can't sorry dad. I'm so tired I want to go upstairs and sleep" I said

I got to my room and jump into my blankets and closed my eyes for a minute. My phone buzzed. I got a message from Jerome. It read :

So I would like to get to know you

I responded:


Tell me about you

Oh my gosh I hate that question. What does he want from me?

I don't know what to say so

Okay I am Jerome and I'm 20
years old. I live in South Africa.
Okay now you

I'm Maria and I'm 17 years old.
I also live in South Africa

That's all?


Okay I live alone. I have a job. No
children if you were wondering :-).
I'm single and ready to mingle.
I come from a rich family and I'm
independent, disciplined and

I live with my parents. I'm a
student. My dad is from Kolongo
in West Africa. My mom is
from America in San Diego. So I'm Kolongian. I have a little sister.

I think you forgot to mention if
you are single or taken


So I left the conversation like that. I was so exhausted I put my phone on silent and slept with my uniform on.


I woke up at 9:00pm and everyone was asleep. I watched Real House Wives of Atlanta. The drama was real.

I got a text from Jerome. It read :

Hey I come from the gym and I
thought I should check up on you


So what are you doing?

I'm going to sleep I'm exhausted

I lied. I don't like communicating with people I've never met. Jerome could be a serial killer or a human trafficker or something

I watched three episodes of Real House Wives of Atlanta. I sent Sam a message. It read:

Don't forget lunch tomorrow

I went to bed

Thank you for reading.
~Jerome saw a picture of Maria and Sam and was interested in knowing Maria
~Is Jerome up to good? Mmmmhh...

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