Chapter 10 Jeez Just Get Out

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Saturday finally. I had a long week. My parents were not home yet. My phone buzzed. I got a message from Sam. It read:

I be at your house at 7 o'clock

I got up from my bed and brushed my teeth and took a shower.

Today I'm going to the Mall with Sam. I put on my brown sexy dress, brown cute high heel shoes and my black purse

I went to the kitchen. Micaela was already up doing her homework on the dinning room table.

I looked at the stove and I didn't know what to make. I looked at the fridge and still didn't know what to make. I looked at the sink. The sink was filled with dirty dishes. Luckily my mom was coming back today. My mom does the the cleaning in the house.

"Micaela!" I called

"Yes." She replied

"Come to the kitchen." I said

Micaela came running. She was so excited

"Let's go to Grandma. She'll make us breakfast." I said

"You called me here for that? I thought Mom was back." She said with disappointment

"Yes. Now let's leave." I said and grabbed her hands

We left the house and went to my grandma's house.

"Grandma open the door." I shouted as I was knocking the door

"Maria is that you?" She asked then opened the door

I got in the house with Micaela

"Hello my darling." My grandma greeted Micaela and hugged her

"Hello my apple pie." She greeted back

"Grandma we are hungry and Mom is not back from the hospital. Can you please make us breakfast." I said

"Don't worry I'll make you eggs and bacon or do you have something else in mind?" She asked

"Bacon and eggs are fine." I responded

Micaela went to the sitting room to watch t.v. I followed my grandma to the kitchen. She took out her cooking pan, oil, eggs, bacon, and utensils. She started making the food. I sat on the island in the kitchen

"How did Micaela handle the hostpital dilemma." She asked

"She didn't handle it well." I said laughing "If Mom died she would sleep in the coffin with her."

"You think this is funny?" She asked impatiently

"No. It not funny that Mom is in the hostpital but Micaela is really funny when she cries. You should see her face." I said laughing

"Maria you are ignorant." She blurted

I gave her the 'watchu sayin?' look.

"Your Mom is in the hostpital and it appears you relaxed!" She shouted at me

"Okay Grandma Grumpy. I am relaxed because I have to, for Micaela." I said

"Take your food." She said and gave me my plate

She took Micaela's plate to her. She came back to the kitchen and sat across me.

"What's been keeping you busy?" She asked

"Oh I nearly forgot. I'm going to buy snacks for the trip on Monday with Sam." I said

"You and Sam are friends?" She asked

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