Chapter 15 Am I Speaking To The Painkillers?

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"I was supposed to be at the zoo. I didn't see this one coming. Clearly I can not see the future." I said

"I will teach you everything. This is a special gift Maria." She said

"Stop calling 'this' a gift, 'this' is a curse." I shouted. I stretched the word 'this'

"Shut up! Shut up! You'll make your ancestors angry. Don't speak about things you don't know." She reprimanded

"This is not a gift." I said

"Don't deny your gift." She said camly

"A gift is something physical not this!" I screamed

"Relax Maria. Listen to your ancestors or everthing will not go right in your life." She said

"I hate you. I hate everyone. I hate everything." I said and hit her with my cookie

"I'm sorry. That's how the cookie crumbles." She said

"This is not a gift it's a curse. 'Maria' is a christian name." I shouted

"What's Christianity got to do with any of this? Take this serious or you will fall." She said

"Why are you here? When I asked you so nicely to go take care of Mom." I asked

"I was about to go to her then you showed up." She said

"I'm leaving." I said

I took my bag and walked out on her. I slammed her front door and left her house

On my way home I was thinking of what I was going to say to my parent's for not paying for the excursion

I got home and threw my bag of snacks on the floor. I immediately rushed to my mom's room. She was sleeping. She wasn't moving or snoring. I went to check her pulse and yep, she was sleeping

I went to the kitchen and made my mom porridge. Porridge is quick and easy to make. Since my mom is weak. It wouldn't recquire her to chew to ingest the porridge

When her porridge was done cooking. I served it in a big bowl and went into her room to feed her

"Mom." I whispered and woke her up "Mom it's me I made you breakfast."

She woke up and looked at me. She sat up straight and this time I helped her get up

I helped her eat. I held the spoon with porridge to her mouth and she took forever to open her mouth and swallow. After an hour she was done eating her porridge. I ate my porridge after her

I went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water. I gave my mom three painkillers and helped her drink the pills

"You were starving, weren't you?" I asked

She nodded her head

"Re..member." She said

I was shocked that she was speaking. Her voice was husky and low

"Remember what?" I asked

"We car accident." She said with her husky and low voice

"Yes Mama I remember. How could I forget. The accident was traumatic. How did the car end up on the tree? " I asked "Anyway what about the accident?"

"They tried to kill me but they failed." She whispered

"Am I speaking to the painkillers?" I asked and laughed

She looked at me as if she was disgusted by me.

"Mom you won't believe what Grandma told me. She said I can see the the future. Can you believe her?" I asked

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