my mail

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Author's note: This is the first real chapter, I know it isn't any good but I'm kinda busy right now and I'll try to post a second (better) chapter as soon as possible.



"Come and get your mail!" the guard shouted towards everyone but laughed and looked around him in a mocking way. Of course they couldn't just come and get the mail, they were locked up for fucks sake. I was locked up, just like everyone else around here.

And like every other day when I thought that I  wouldn't be getting anything, shouting to anyone who walked past to let me out; shouting anything from sweet to cruel things, but no one would let me get out of here.. A cruel place if you just wanted some attention from anyone.

"Harkness, here's your letter." the small opening was revealed for a few seconds, until they had managed to press the letter inside, letting it fall to the floor. Of course I just watched it as if it was a prize, a dead human staring at the ceiling, but it was a real letter.

A scoff left my lips, another letter full of hate, or just a plain joke where there was nothing in the envelope. But unlike every other time, there had been written something on the envelope in blue ink, the writing of a female hand.


"Dear unknown,

My name is Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N.

I don't know where this will end up. To be honest, I had a bet with my friends that I had to write a letter to someone random. And my friends would write a random destination on there. So I don't really know what to write about right now.

I don't even know if you're a girl or boy, so whoever you are, or whatever your age is, it's nice to meet you. Somehow I hope that you'll just burn this letter but on the other side, I really want to know who is reading this nonsense or even replying to it? At least if you're not on the other side of the world

That was all for now, I hope that you loved this little letter, even if it doesn't have any real content. "


The last thing I read was her name, and it sounded as if she was a beautiful girl, I felt like flirting with her without even knowing who she was and what she looked like. In the envelope was a small post-it note with her address on, in case I felt like writing a letter back.

Looking around my cell, I decided that I should give it a shot; maybe try to scare the poor thing or flirt with her so that she wouldn't even dare to ever write me again. I shouted towards one of the guards for a pen, and a piece of paper. And like every other time, I got ignored by the lady standing there.

"Hey, um, I dunno if you actually care. But I want to write a letter back, easy peasy, now can I have a pen and some paper?" I asked, letting out an annoyed sigh, holding my arm through the small opening to show the female security the letter I received. She folded open the letter; I saw her reading every word carefully to check for any criminal clues of a mastermind.

She neatly folded the letter, handing it back to me, for once I caught a glimpse of a real smile when she started to walk away. I held the letter in my hand, in another way that I would normally hold my boomerang. It was close to the way I would hold my Pinky, she was the only thing that actually kept me company in this hole.

I was starting to think that I wouldn't be able to give the poor little girl an answer, but right then the guard threw a pen and a few sheets of paper into the room, also adding an anvelope to the two previous objects. 

"Let's give this girl what she deserves"

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