letter (3)

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Hey Digger,

It's very nice that you actually took the time to write back to me, honestly your letter was weird when I read one of the first sentences where you said that you were coming for me! But it was very sweet towards the end.

Like I said, I'm Y/N and I live in my own small apartment, I don't have any pets yet because I still have to go to work so I don't always have time to go and walk with them or properly take care of them. In my free time, I try to spend time with my family and friends, but lately I've been spending more time alone....which is one of the reasons that I had to write this letter.

It would be so cool if I could actually come and hang out with you when we both have a free day, I looked up the state you lived in and it's not too far away from here so I thought that I might come and visit you. It's like a 1 hour drive from where I come from, so it's not a problem for me. If you want to meet me, at least!

By the way, the picture in the envelope...that's how I look, if you were wondering about that. I'll add a list of random facts down here so that we can get to know each other a bit more!  

I'm really looking forward to your next letter, I always keep them in a box in my bedroom. To be honest, even after sharing 3 letters, I already like writing you and receiving your letters.

Loads of hugs,  


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