U.T.A.H CH.2

885 11 3

*Milli pov*

( Hey guys you wanna wanna grab some lunch) I get a bunch of yeahs ( where y'all wanna go to eat) somewhere that had food) says Ashleigh (bk) the twins shout. Wow i feel like a mom ( ok) so we to hop in my baby well one of them anyways it's my bronco, it's dark blue with orange stripes and orange on the inside.(Ashleigh get to your dejay dang what am I playing you for) we bust out laughing ( just for that bitch I quit) she says back. She finally gets on her job and pink comes on u+ur hand we start singing way out of tune but who cares ( you guys do realize for black right?) Troy says( you are to dumbass) s ays Micah says to his brother ( why is it that a white boy can bump lil wayne and nobody says any thing, but if I wanna listen nickleback,kelly Clarkson ,Avril Lavigne I get looked at funny dang good music is just that good music) ( we'll you are black) the twins say together ( well that's racist) we pull in to bk and everybody gets out ( not it) I shout everyone shouts not it. Troy loses ha that's what he get ( ha ha Troy you gotta pay for everyone) ( man that's not fair do you see the legs on her, it's cool cause I got more money than all you guys ) wow he wishes I'm in line and ms. Slut cake cuts on front of me like she does see me Ashleigh is about to give her the business but I grab her, I give her I my I got a plan look. We order our food to msms. Bimbo has her food I'm surprise she eats to tell the truth ( excuse me you just cut in front of us like your better than us or something you owe us an apology) she looks me up and down like she can take me ha this bitch. Turns around and starts walking away like she didn't hear me so I get in front of her and hit her tray from the bottom up. I tell her (I accept your apology) and walk out with a purpose. We are tearing up with laughter ( did you see her face she was to shocked to say anything) Micah says ( She looked hot before the soda was on her, but after she cooled down) says Troy we bust up laughing again Ashleigh says she would have been happy just punching her. ( You guys not drop the salt from a fry or you'll be going back to U.T.A.H with a bullet wound got it) lets just nobody ate anything on the way back.

( we got to get our new mission in a little bit from ms. V, who's room we eating in) Ashleigh and I look at each other and tell not it as we get out the car the boys groan . (Wanna get on G.O.W. for an hour or so) everyone says hell yeah let's just say I have a killer head shot.

U.T.A.H  Underground Training Assassin HighDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora