U.T.A.H CH. 23

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* Justin pov *

After the death of my family I ran, ran from their death from the love of my life, everything just ran. Using the passports and ID's with social security number that Ashleigh gave me, I moved from state to state staying a week here a week there. With all the moving around hiding using cash only, it gets boring. Ashleigh never called nothing I've been going crazy what if they found out she helped me?, or that she is in love with me? Would they kill her? All I want is to be with her know she is safe, get married start a family. Why couldn't my life be different? Why are we always going to be looking over our shoulders? Would she even give it all up for me? All these thoughts have been going through my mind for the last four months. Going down to the beach I have to get my mind off all of this, seeing girls in there bikini, running around in the water or Sun tanning, playing volleyball I can only picture one face my Ashleigh's. Man I'm turning into a little hitch she isn't going to give up everything she has for me I was just a Fucking target she felt sorry for. Checking my phone seeing if anyone call, nope! It's not like people call just my job Ashleigh doesn't. I'm trying to think of her so much that she will like when people say speak of the devil there he/ she is. That shit don't work if so I would be grinning or laughing or saying I love you, hearing her voice, I know I sound obsessed, but hell I. You try having everything you want and need one minute and the next your empty handed, by yourself in a foreign country, yeah that's what I thought. Pulling my phone from my pocket I answer without looking its either my job or wrong number. Hearing her voice I froze just froze am I that crazy I'm hearing her voice. Talking to her feels so amazing she is going to be here in a week and she has something to tell me. Grinning like mad the time can't move fast enough.

* Ashleigh pov *

Spending so much time on the bus is getting on my nerves. The first few hours was because my ass was numb, the following two was because I was bored, three hours later I wanted to put a bullet through my neighbors head, he was snoring loudly. At the ten hour mark I just wanted to be there already, I'm tired of the baby crying in the back I mean damn stick a titty in the baby mouth, by the time I was in Mexico I wanted to shoot the driver hijack the bus and speed the remainder of the miles to greyhound. When I saw the greyhound building I was out of my seat with my stuff waiting on the bus to stop and the fuck ass driver wants to say a thank you speech. Grabbing my duffel bags I jumped in a taxi heading to a hotel, once the driver pulled off I asked the front desk to call me a cab. Waiting ten minutes for the cab I was heading to the airport. Paying the driver I headed to the bathrooms changing my outfit and disposing my weapons all but one in the trash, I made sure my money was well hidden. Putting my gun in its case with my papers to transport it, I left to go buy my plane ticket. After giving my bags to the lady at the desk she handed me my ticket Costa Rica here I come. Going to the food court I charged my ipods and got some food the two hours passed by quick. Heading to first class I waited for the plane to take off before turning on my ipod listening to We Are Broken by Paramore, I relaxed for my seven hour trip.

* Milli pov *

After showering I checked in to see if there was any word on Ashleigh. There was no word so I just typed my report for the mission, after finishing I went to go training. Shooting, fighting, throwing knives I picked up a few techniques, but it was a blur. Running around the training field for a few hours I was exhausted, heading back to our I mean my room I showered a popped in a movie. My life was depressing even though I knew she was ok I still felt lonely, like a piece of me we missing, it was my sister was gone. Getting up the next morning was a drag I decided to go to some classes to distract myself, learning how to beat a lie detector was fun it was a little bit tricky, not thinking controlling your heart rate and keeping calm was the key parts. Heading to lunch I sat with the twins, no of us even talked it was really depressing. My life felt like it was at a stand still everything blurred together minutes, hours, days. It truly felt like a fucking break up. After a week my mom gave me a new roommate she was cool and ok, but she wasn't my bestie. She was in third place for fighting well I guess second now seeing as I'm first. Training some of the younger kids in fighting and missions took up most of my days. Working with Santa on missions was not fun I damn neared killed her every mission on accidental of course.


Walking through the building I had on my night vision goggles killing twelve men and women I went to go help Sabra I mean this bitch is slow she is to careful, how hard is it to kill and move to the next. Walking in another room from the stairs I shot a women with a semi automatic weapon, shooting three shots into the couch that was in the room, DUMB BITCH SABRA pop out saying it's me it's me. Lucky she was wearing her vest because she had three bullets in it two in the heart one in the stomach area.


After to many encounters like that we work side by side cause I swear if we didn't she would end up dying by my hand or gun or knife. After two weeks of looking for Ashleigh U.T.A.H gave up and marked her as K.I.A. OR D.O.M. killed in action or died on mission. At least she free all she has to do is not pop up. After a few more weeks I was back to myself well mostly anyways I was laughing and talking more, going out meeting new people and having fun like a regular teenager minus the killing. Working with Sabra was even easier we worked like a team and she stopped almost getting killed by me.

U.T.A.H  Underground Training Assassin HighDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora