U.T.A.H CH.3

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*Milli pov*

The four of us head down to headmistress V office, after I whooped some serious ass in G.O.W . " hey guys what do you think our next mission is ?" " well it is defiantly fine for me to blow so shit up" says Micah all the boy can think about is blowing something up. We get to ms. V office and knock " cone in" " what do you have for us ms. V." Ashleigh says " well guys the president has been assassinated as you know. There is another assassination attempt on the vice president life this will take place at the funeral" " Micah , you will not be blowing anything up there is a bomb somewhere in the church. Troy you must locate the bomb position , so that Micah can deactivate the bomb" easy enough I'll get started no guys" Troy says " Milli Ashleigh and yourself must fight the secret service so Micah can get in under no circumstances can you kill anyone in and out understand. Here is the file you move out in thirty minutes" No killing dangerous but fun I needed to workout anyways . "Ashleigh I bet you get hit More than me" " ha you wish I bet you today's pay that I'll win" ok deal but if I win you gotta tell ms. V your in love with her deal" " ok but the same rules apply for to bitch! Ok" " shake on it" well this is going to be fun. All suited and ready to move in." Everyone check make sure we can communicate" " sexy boy checking in" I bust out laughing Troy is something special. " Micah checking in , I'm personally built related to him just so everyone knows" " doubled today's pay checking in" ha she wishes " everyone knows your places let's go" Ashleigh and I walk in and start fighting. We have been in here for five minutes and fifteen shots have been fired, and I've been hit 12 times and knocked out twenty people including the preacher, hey don't judge he was taking swings at me and he got in three hits, I was in shock he was fight " Troy have you located the bomb" as soon as I say bomb the chick fighting freezes like I said freeze or something so I take the opportunity and hit her in the temple knocking her out. "Micah when I say GO come in not beforegot it" " yep read you loud and clear" " FUCK that bitch shot me does that count as getting hit" " yep" I hear Ashleigh reply. Six more to go the guy I'm fighting is trying to get me to move from my spot so one of his partners can get a shot off, I duck his kick coming up with and uppercut then I kick him in his knee fracturing it. I hit him in the temple barely missing my target, I knee him in the balls hear aahhhs in my ear. Knowing Troy he's watching the fight " behind you Milli" I duck and hit the guy in his nose breaking it, he's on the ground so I kick him in the temple knocking him out. "Troy that is cheating you can't help her" wtf " what you mean no helping there was no rules saying I couldn't get help" I kick the guy I was fighting before in the balls again then jab him in the temple knocking him out " Go" I tell Much he heads towards the casket. Really a bomb in a casket that's new, I voice my thoughts everyone laughs " Micah everything good" Yeah he reports" let's head back to base"

U.T.A.H  Underground Training Assassin HighNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ