U.T.A.H CH.17

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* Milli pov *

Walking around the mall is killer, oh how I wish it wasn't a tie. We decided to make it our girls day out, just talking and having fun. " So you going to ask me those questions now" " No, I want to wait until we are back in our room with privacy." " Oh ok" I can tell she is a bit nervous about my questions, but hey if she was honest with me from the get go then we wouldn't be going through this. "So what you planning for your birthday?" " To hit a club up, and spend it with my bestie, why?" " I wanted to take you somewhere, but it's cool, I got you an awesome present through" " oow oow oow what is it?" "I can't tell you it's a present but, I'll give you a hint?" " Ok, what's that" " after I give it to you, you'll never want to take it off" " what kind of hint is that, I hate your hints that was more like a statement rather then a hint." " ok, then it's jewellery" " awwwww I'll never take it off" I start laughing, I know her to well. " So whowas messing with my things?" She started telling me about the twins, I had to laugh but Troy is getting it from me. Heading home after eight hours, I just want to die it was seriously like a full time job. Carrying bags that weren't even mine up to the room, I drop them on her bed along with myself. Walking to the twins room I knock on their door " what's up Micah?" I'm smirking as Micah covers his face with his hands " I'm not here for you, where is your twin?" " Oh wheew he went to grab some food" " ok you might want to get ready to film" he pulls out his phone, I wait about five minutes for Troy to return. " hey Micah I got mad food come help" walking towards Troy I help him with the food, the boy haven't looked up. He looks at me and starts to run Micah blocks his exit. " It wasn't me" I laugh he went from Troy to Shaggy. Grabbing him by the shirt I put him in a sleeper hold " This is for messing with my stuff and not helping clean." Micah starts laughing at his brother " I don't want to go to sleep, I don't want to go to sleep, I doewont wyannya gwoo twee sweep I'm nwot twired" dropping his unconscious body on the floor. Micah starts interviewing me like he's a reporter " ma'am ma'am my I ask you a few questions? I'm with Y.K.H.O news" " What's Y.K.H.O. stand for?" " You Knocked Him Out, my I askyou some questions" I start laughing he chuckles with me " sure" " I'm a huge fan of your work" " thank you thank you" " Do you know the victim" " yes I do" " do you have your next victim in your sights" " no I don't this was a one time thing" " why did you knock him out?" " He went through my stuff while I was away, he told his brother he's not helping clean because and I quote ( he needs his sexy sleep) so I helped him out" we both started laughing " Thank you so much for your time." " Can you send me a copy of that Micah?" " yeah I will" Heading to my room laughing to myself. " So Ashleigh you ready?" " Yeah" question one" are you in love with Justin" " yes I am" question two " Do you know where he went" " yeah I do but I'm not saying" hmmm ok question three " do you plan on going to meet up with him?" " No, the agency would come after me, as long as he is safe I'm fine" question four " why did you lie to me, out of ten years why now" " because if I told you, you would have killed him, he never wanted his father's business, I never meant to hurt you I'll sorry" she told me everything, well at least I think everything. See this is why I hate lies because I'm questioning my bestie and I never wanted that. Question five " if you had the chance to be free would you be with him" " yes, Milli I love him so much it hurts like you wouldn't believe, my heart is aching without him" I wanted to cry my bestie was going through it. Question six " did you really leave my custom made bike there to burn?" " No, it's at the airport I had it towed there all you have to do is pick it up" Thank you I thought I was going to have to shoot her. Question seven " can we trust to go back to bestie and put this behind us?" " Yes, I love you no homo". Over the next few weeks it was like old times with us, I was truly happy to have forgave and forgot about that. Troy vowed to get me back for knocking him out, Micah and I showed the whole school so he was the laughing stock for awhile.

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