U.T.A.H CH.5

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After losing five grand to my bestie, we got called to ms. V office. "There is a assignment that just came in, I'm sending only Ashleigh and yourself. Your cover is you are sisters, your parents just died and you moved to start a new life. Your target is the son and daughter of Matthew Sand . He is extremely dangerous, befriend his children and kill the entire family, everything you need to know is in the file." " oh yeah keep weapons on yourselves the entire time, good luck" Sweet a new mission." We're keeping our names this is a live in mission, we don't need any slip ups. Ashleigh!" " Hey that was one time and we are still alive, you act like I pulled the trigger and shot you. Geez." No she didn't " If you Marth didn't slip up and call me the wrong name I wouldn't have gotten shot twice" " oh relax it was .22 you acting like it was a,45 or something, they look like mosquito bites" " mosquito bites my ass, that shit hurt. Plus you got my getting shot cherry taking from me I would have like to lose it by my own mistake not yours, bitch." Even though I sound mad I'm not after I got shot she killed everyone in the room, including the cats and dogs, it was funny as hell. " remember when you killed the cats and dogs? Why did you kill them?" " Leave no witnesses" she said shrugging her shoulders. We burst out laughing. There we giving the true meaning of rofl. " He is sexy as hell" we say at the same time "Dibs" we yell. We were looking through the file looking at Matthew and his sons picture. They both look good." How about we let him choose, ok

"Matthew my be good looking but he had some ugly ways. Ashleigh and I are the Sims, and we don't have to worry about spending money, we're millionaires as long as we get an education. Lambo here I come I think I'm going to get yellow. We have to get in good with the family and kill the simple enough. Twenty guards are stationed outside ten inside, so that thirty three victims. The mother was killed for cheating even though Matthew cheated on her how ironic, he traffic drugs, people, and military grade weapons. Justin his son is to take over the "family" business, he's not so hot anymore. We are seniors going to Northbrook academy. We start on Monday goodthat gives us a little under a week to get settled. "Ashleigh it has nothing on the sister, what's up with that?." " oh I have those pages" " she is a junior, likes partying, shopping. She helps her father by befriending young girls to sell. Her name is Jazmine Sand. Oh and she is one of those stuck up bimbos we love at least she pretends to be." " ok we need to have direct contact at all times with her around this just got allot harder." Get close don't get sold." Ashleigh the first weekend after making our presence know let's have a moving in party." " Sounds good"

U.T.A.H  Underground Training Assassin HighHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin