U.T.A.H CH. 16

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The look in my best friend eyes broke my heart, I know she will forgive me she just needs space. " I trust you can handle things here" Milli said with a bag on her shoulder, she didn't say bye it anything just left. " Be safe" I said in a whisper. Packing everything I wanted to take back with me, I was ready to go. Spreading gasoline around the house, I grabbed my backpack. Getting my motorcycle out the garage, I parked it across the street. Taking out the grenade I threw it through a window, and jumped on my bike. Throwing my broke down weapons through the city, I headed to the airport. Getting on the plane we had about fifteen minutes until we take off. Pulling out my ipod touch, I made a playlist of Milli's favorite songs. The plane ride was four hours long, getting my bike from custom checkout I headed to base. Going to report to ms. V was scary knocking on the door " come in" sitting down in a chair" so how was the mission, what I'm I saying it was a success" she was going to mark it down as one but I stopped her. " no.... it wasn't" " what do you mean where is Milli?" " she is fine she's driving back, Justin Sands got away." I stated" what do you mean?" " While I was taking out five guards and Matthew, Justin got away." " ok, well be looking for him, did he get any information on you?" " no ms. V he didn't." " Ok, I take it Milli is mad?" " no she is pissed, furious, not mad" she chuckles " well thanks for the report type it up tomorrow go get some rest" " goodnight" walking to my dorm, I was greeted my no one else but the twins. " Milli is going to kill you guys for messing with her stuff, and she isn't in the best mood either" " ASHLEIGH!! MIL... where is Milli?" " she is driving back" " how did it go" Micah ask " ya'll love the grenades huh? I've been working on those" " actually they just went boom for me" " it had different colors how could you not have notice" " I'm sorry, on the mission one of the targets got away." " I'm heading to bed make sure you guys clean this up" walking into my room I hear Troy say " Micah clean this up, I would but I'm not I need my sexy sleep" I was laughing I heard the door close and Micah groan.

* Milli pov *

Walking in school felt great I was home. Going to go check in with ms. V all she did was give me a hug and told me to get some rest. Being well rested I headed to the gym to workout. Ashleigh was there doing the same, running on the treadmill for three miles. Heading over to Ashleigh " you want to go race the obstacle course with me?" " of course your my bestie". Heading out with Ashleigh we keep a light . " so what are we betting on?" Ashleigh says " if I win I can ask you seven questions and you have to be honest? What do you want to do if you win?" " I don't know I'll tell you when I win" I burst out laughing. " On you mark... get set... go" we take off running , three ten foot fences, going through a make shift air conditioning vent. We break off running again, we are neck and neck. Picking up the gun at the next station I hit the ten moving targets with ease, breaking off running I climb the 35 foot tall wall with the rope given. Running to the next station I sit in the chair and start hacking the computer, finally breaking the code I take off running. The next station is fight 3 on 1 taking them out as quick as possible because for Ash this would be like logging in on Facebook. Knocking out the last guy Ashleigh catches up, running as hard and fast as I take off. Hearing Ash right behind I'm flying like a bullet out a gun. Hearing the dogs being unleashed I quickly hop the last gate. Coming to a door I drop to my knees and start picking the lock, Ashleigh is doing the same. Taking off running once more I cross the finish line with Ashleigh right beside me. " what the fuck we have never ever tied and today we do?" We both start to laugh, heading over to the video we watch it and sure enough its a tie. " What you want to do for your bet?" "Shopping" I groan" I'm asking you my question when we get back."

U.T.A.H  Underground Training Assassin HighTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang