Chapter Five

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I woke and watched the stars fade away and the moon disappear. The sun rose as I did, and discovered that Shadow had left her den. I controlled my breathing and tried to make each breath quiet. I awkwardly weaved through the sleeping bodies of the other wolves, avoiding stepping on their fluffy-but-sleek tails.

I was in the clear now, and sighed with relief. Then I caught her scent, Shadow had been this way. Where has she gone? I begged for an answer.

At that moment, another scent clashed with Shadow's, and alarm reflected in my eyes. Both scents were fresh, but one led me in circles. Then I blanked. I was being followed.

"Who's there?" I demanded.

No answer.

"Come out from where you are hiding!"

I squinted and peered through the darkness. Still no answer, but something rattled, causing an eerie echo through the woods.

I felt claws dig into my pelt, claws sink into my flesh, and my face met the cold, hard ground.

"I'll be asking the questions here!" My attacker spat. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!"

When I howled he covered my mouth with his paws and my jaws refused to open, I was suspended.

"Talk!" He said again.

"Raven," was all I said.


"Raven. That's my name. I followed my friend's trail here," I repeated.

"Ah, the black one? I suppose you could say I saw her."

"How long ago?" I prodded.

"Not long ago. Twenty minutes, perhaps."

Something clicked in my brain. He knew the human way to keep track of time. "What is your name?'

"It''s Riptide."

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