Chapter Fifteen

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"Captured?" Riptide's eyes widened in shock. 

"I'm afraid so. I believe Demon's purpose in attacking this place was to take our Pack as prisoners. They were unable to take all of us, luckily. But now there are so few of us that we cannot defend ourselves if they attack again," Shadow answered in a grave tone.

I searched the rest of my friends' faces for hope, but they just shrugged and looked at their paws like wolf pups after being scolded. "Wait. We may be few in number, but I know we have one thing that Demon's Pack doesn't!" I remembered that Shadow was still unaware of Ember's powers and met eyes with his. 

Taking his cue, Ember transformed. Shadow watched in awe as the wolf took the form of a bird engulfed in flames. Each flame was in the shape of a feather, and were outlined with smoke, with occasional sparks crackling from the heat. 

Shadow watched as every aspect of the wolf changed--all except his eyes, which set him apart from any other wolf. "W-what are you?" She stammered. "I've never seen anything like this!"

"I am a phoenix, your secret weapon," the fire bird grinned. 

"Well, my Pack, there is hope for us yet," Shadow's serious expression had changed to content. 

"Now, we're going to need to prepare what we have for another fight. Deputy," her gaze shifted to me, "I want you to search the perimeter for the remaining wolves with Icy, and help them into the Medical Den."

"Wait, we have a Medical Den?" Riptide asked. 

"We do now," Shadow nodded toward a large, vacant, and protected shelter close by.

With a nod I obeyed and began my search with Icy. Images of the tragic scene mixed with a thin strand of hopefulness still left in me. Questions of whether or not we would be able to fight Demon and his new army nagged at my brain. Did we stand a chance against them? Should we just run as far away as possible and leave the mess behind? What if the army were to attack right now? Or tomorrow? My questions came to a halt when a weak whine pricked the corner of my ear. I halted, waiting for the sound to come again. 

The whine came again, the soft cry of a wolf. We followed the sound, which lead to a small, grass-covered, mini valley between two hills. I recognized the wolf as Moon, a pack member old enough to have her own pups. Her silvery-gray fur was stained in multiple places with blood. The light from her eyes was slowly fading, and her cries for help had quieted. 

"Moon! Here, let us help you," I trod to her side with Icy helping her onto my back. I had carried Shadow in my human arms before, but this was very different. She lay almost completely limp as I carefully carried her back to our territory, the once beautiful hideout behind a waterfall. Icy stayed close to me for Moon's stability.

"We have rescued one, Moon," Icy announced as I tiredly lay the injured silver wolf down on a match of moss in the new Medical Den.  

"Thank you, Raven and Icy," she said with all the gratitude she could muster in her condition. 

"Of course, Ember will be with you shortly to help speed up the healing process," I pointed with my muzzle to the grey wolf with blazing orange eyes.

Moon nodded, closing her eyes to rest. I quietly left the den and approached Ember, "She's all ready for you." 

"I'm on it!" Ember prepared to use his healing powers. The process would take a while to work, but it was still much quicker than letting a body heal itself on its own. 

We returned to Shadow a few moments later. "Where has Riptide gone?" I asked.  

"He is searching for more lost pack members," Shadow's keen, yellow eyes checked the area as we spoke. "Thank you both, the Pack has been blessed to have you two.Oh, and Icy, it's good to have you back again. You may continue the search and rescue." 

"I have never been happier to be back with you, I will do everything I can to help mend the wounds deep within the wolves of our Pack," Icy promise was genuine. 

I followed Icy through the long stretch of the Pack's territory through the forest. The wind picked up and carried many smells with it. 

Icy stopped and grimaced: "I've caught a scent."

Just then, the scent hit me too. Definitely a wolf, but mixed with other smells, too...there was the all-too-familiar stench of blood...and a much more dangerous, toxic smell, like a poison. 

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