Chapter Eleven

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"Icy?" I asked the same time as she asked, "Raven?"

I ran up and nuzzled her side happily. " are you here? I mean, I thought Scar killed you."

"Raven, I'd like you to meet Ember. He found me and kept me alive after that. I am so grateful to have had him by my side," she smiled. 

"That is no wolf," I observed an obvious fact, as he was covered in feathers with a beak and sharp talons. 

"No, he's a-" Icy started.

"Phoenix," I cut her off. Ember smiled indefinitely at my realization. "Come back with me." 

"What?" They asked. 

"Come back with me to the Pack. It's where you belong," I told Icy. 

"What about Ember? He's not like us," her thoughts conflicted with mine. 

"He can come, too. He would be a valuable asset to our Pack. Shadow will appreciate him."

"Shadow. How is she doing as a pack leader?" Icy remembered her.

"She is an excellent leader. I'm really proud of her," I responded. "Now, come, we have to find the Pack." Neither of them responded. "Guys?"

"Raven, the Pack thinks I don't exist anymore. I cannot just waltz right in there with a phoenix and tell them I'm back."

"Why not? They will be thrilled to--"

"And besides, how will we find them again?" She cut me off. 

"I think I can help with that," Ember flapped his wings. "I can see over the trees if I fly."

"Yeah, what's the problem, Icy?"

"I am concerned that the other wolves might not like me for bringing a phoenix back..."

"Not a problem," it was Ember that answered with understanding. The feathers that covered him faded away, his talons shrunk to claws, and his beak was now a wolf's nose. "They'll never know," his eyes were glowing orange.      

"Well, all right then. Let's go," Icy agreed.

Ember, in phoenix form, flew above the trees as Icy and I journeyed on ground. 

"What does your Pack's territory look like?" Ember asked. 

"There are bunches of cherry trees full of berries at this time of year with a river not far from them, and a rocky arch behind a waterfall is the main entrance," I called back. 

With that, Ember narrowed his eyes, scanning the earth below him. "I think we are close!" 

"Come down and turn into a wolf again, we will be there soon--" Icy stopped in from of us, with Ember behind her.  Not stopping in time, I bumped into Ember. 

"Oof!" I fell backwards. "Sorry, Ember," I looked away and shook my head, embarrassed.

"That's all right, Raven," he laughed. 

"Shhh!" Icy snapped.  At once we quieted. "Did you hear that?" 

We shook our heads. The sound came again. Leaves rustled and trees trembling. We were being followed...

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