Chapter Six

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"Riptide," I repeated, a hint of recognition ringing in my voice.

Riptide cocked his head with a questioning look. "Do you know that name?"

A glint caught my eye and there it was: the shark tooth necklace that belonged to Zack. Now without a doubt, I said, "I know you. You are Zack."

Caught by surprise, Riptide took a step back, "H-how..." was all he managed to say. 

"That necklace. It is his," I pointed with my nose at the tooth. "You are a shape-shifter, are you not?"

" Yes. But how do you know me?" 

"Because, I am Alex, and I can shape-shift too."

He gasped, but not because of the conversation we had just had. 

"Ript-" I started. "Alpha--I mean Shadow!"

"You again?" Riptide dodged an attempted slash from her. He lashed his own paw at her, but she pounced on him too swiftly.

"Guys, stop!" I begged. 

They did not seem to hear me, and even though I was reluctant to get between them, I tore Shadow off of Riptide, and ended up taking a few blows to my face. That stopped them. 

"Are you okay?!" They asked at the same time. 

I shook my head, "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"See? Look what you did!" Riptide growled at Shadow. 

"Enough," I said quickly. "She is not the enemy." I looked to Shadow, "Nor is he to you."

"You know him?" The Alpha asked, dumbfounded. 

"Excuse us for one moment please, Riptide." I gestured for Shadow to scoot nearer to a dark green bush covered in bright red berries. "He is Riptide, the other shape-shifter," my voice dropped to a whisper. 

"Are you sure it will be safe to invite him back with us?" 

"Of course, and I'm sure he will appreciate the invitation. Also, why did you leave in the first place?"

"Very well then. And I heard a single voice howling last night. He is a lone wolf, but it is worth a try."

"Riptide, would you like to join us as we make our way back to Pack territory? It's not far, we are very close." 

"I don't know..." he started. 

"Come on, you'll love it! I know you are a lone wolf, but you can consider changing you ways. I can show you around and introduce you to everyone!" I pleaded. 

"Okay, fine," he gave in. 

"Great, follow us!" The three of us trotted under the sun's morning glow and the chilly breeze of late autumn. I knew that winter would be here soon and food would run scarce. I tried to push the thought away, but the bare trees, the biting wind, and crinkled leaves crunching beneath me forced in back to the front of my brain. 

We were silent until we heard wolves stirring, and saw them rising to all fours. Shadow stepped onto the 'high rock', as it was called. "Today, we are accepting a new member into our Pack." She signaled for me to send him up so everyone could see him. "This is Riptide, our missing shape-shifter."

Gasps and whispers rose from the crowd of wolves, but Shadow quieted them. 

"That is all, meeting dismissed," Shadow and Riptide left the high rock. 

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