Chapter Ten

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Dusk brought the sun to creep up the horizon, and it took the moon's place as it faded away. Fog blurred the trees in the distance. I had been traveling since I woke up a few hours ago. I was in wolf form for protection from the cold, and I moved faster on four legs. My necklace bounced with me. 

Hunger tore through me and I decided to hunt before continuing my search for Icy. Crouching low to the ground, grass brushed against me softly. I found a rabbit hole in the ground. There had to be one around here somewhere.

I picked up a fresh scent and followed it until I saw movement in a patch of tall, dry grass. I lunged and pounced on my prey, eating my successful catch. 

As more light was added to the sky, and white clouds had started to take shape, I picked up my pace and headed for the unfamiliar forest. I was torn two different ways, conflicting with my course of action. I didn't know whether to find Icy, or turn around and try to find my Pack. My instincts told me to search for my lost friend, and I did as they said. 

The sunlight sparkled through the forest trees, reminding me of the forest back home. I missed Riptide, Shadow, Icy, and the whole Pack. A long time ago, I would have been happy to be alone, but now, I hated it.

I hopped over a log and landed steadily. I looked for signs of a wolf, or anyone, really. My white coat was thickening for the coming of winter, and my green eyes showed me what was ahead.

 I may have stumbled across a clue that Icy had left for me to find. Ashes in the form of a wolf paw print sat in front of me. What did this clue mean? 

The print pointed straight ahead. I decided to travel in the direction the clue pointed me. I kept going, full of hope as I found another paw print, this time with orange crumbled leaves. The claws faced my left, guiding me to yet another clue. A paw print of what used to be pink blossoms from a tree in summer that were now brown and shriveled. 

Judging by the weather, there would be an early snow this year. I remembered how much Icy liked snow and huffed a sigh. The next print was a black outline of a paw. It looked like someone had burned the ground where the clue was. 

Who can just burn a perfect shape on the ground?

Instead of finding another clue, I looked up as the trees cleared out around me. Eagles circled around a large, grass-covered mountain in front of me, and a cave lay before me in the side of the mountain. I entered the cave that the eagles seemed to be guarding and searched for the lost wolf. 

I slipped on rocks in the darkness loudly enough to be heard. It echoed through the cave and was answered by a howl. 

"H-hello? I-is anyone in there?" I stared down the cave where the sound had come from. 

"Yes, two of us," a voice said. 

I cocked my head, "Where?"

A burst of a flame lit up the cave and there was a fiery bird...and a wolf with a coat whiter than snow and blue eyes. 

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