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Academy City.... one of the biggest cities in the world, it was barely a city... more like an independent small nation, outside the Japanese government rule.

And this was more of a problem than an advantage really.

Because not all espers are good.

What are espers, you ask? Why, espers are people with physic abilities that were gained through a series of exercises and drugs. The esper abilities could range anywhere between electromaster to teleportation to healing instantly to mind reading. Level 5 was the most powerful any esper could reach (at the moment). Level 5 was so hard to reach, there were only seven in the entire city....

The Dark Side of Academy City... well... The Dark Side is almost as bad as Gotham City...

"Hmm.... yes, just a little more to the left.... no, more to the right... a little more... yes, that's perfect!"

A man with a white lab coat smiled as workers finished setting up his lab for him. "Toodle-Loo!" He said cheerfully as they left. "Thank you so much for the help, it's appreciated!!" As soon as the door shut behind the last worker, the man's smile dropped.

"Freaking idiots..." He muttered to himself darkly. "I'm on a tight schedule here, and they spend five hours just setting up the containment vaults!? Remind me not to hire them again..."

He sighed. "Oh well... I better get started... the old fool will have my head if I don't get this done..." he shivered as a thought came to mind. "...literally."

And with that, he set to work.... having no idea just what his work would cause...

A Certain Crimefighting Boy Wonder: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now