To Academy City

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"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person- he believed in me."
Jim Valvano


A thirteen year old boy with spiky black hair and what seemed like a permanent scowl on his face was standing in a cave, along with a twenty year old man with black hair with a streak of white.

"Wait..." the thirteen year old said slowly. "You want me to pretend to have superpowers? Todd, I do not possess them anymore..."

"We can say that your esper power is making people want to hit you in the face." The twenty year old suggested, before dodging a punch from Damian. "I'm kidding, sheesh. Don't get your tights in a twist."

Damian Wayne gave him a glare.

Jason Todd, not phased, turned to a large high-tech computer. "Look, demon spawn, I have a feeling that Batsy's in Academy City.
He has a contact there, and he went to see him six months ago, but he's not back yet."

"I'm aware of this." Damian said impatiently. "Father has never been gone this long without telling us where he is, unless he's in danger."

"Exactly." Jason nodded. "I think we should enroll you. You can mimic voices perfectly, Damian. Oracle can hack into their systems, and say that you're a level 1 whatever-the-heck it's-called. You can search for Bruce there."

Bruce Wayne, also known as the Batman, had been missing for six months. He had went to speak with Aleister Crowley, the city's mayor, you could say. And he wasn't back yet.

"And what does Grayson think about this plan?" Damian asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jason smirked. "What Dickybird doesn't know won't hurt him. Damion, c'mon. There's a student police force you can join. And there's really good schools. And who knows, maybe you can get beat up by a Level 5 and get put in your place!"

Damian scoffed. "Shut up, Todd. Just what makes you think this plan can even work? Academy City's computers are just as good, if not more so, than the Justice League's computers."

"Yeah, but do they have an Oracle?" Jason asked rhetorically. "I didn't think so."

"Maybe not, but they do have mind readers." Damian pointed out. He paused. "Why are we so sure that Father is in danger, anyway? He's Batman, he can take care of himself."

"You just contradicted yourself." Jason said.

Damian rolled his eyes. "He might just be having a long conversation with Crowley."

"Yeah, well we don't know that, do we?" Jason snapped quickly. "Do you really want to risk him being in trouble? And have Dick take over the mantle of Batman?"

Damon smirked. "Todd, if I didn't know any better I would say you cared about Father."

Jason shot Damian a look. "Can it, Little Wing." He knew Damian hated the nickname. "And besides, if you saved Batman, don't you think that girl from Gotham Academy might notice you some more?"

Damian turned bright red. "Shut up, Todd, I know how to kill a man ten different ways with a spork. Don't tempt me."

"Aww, little Damian has a crush. How cute." Jason chuckled. "You know, when you get back, we should really invite her for dinner. You could show her that picture you drew of her-" he broke off as Damian pushed a baterang against his throat.

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