CH 04 | "I know. I'm pretty amazing at fucking too."

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"Come on, Suze! Help me out over here." We'd been in my bedroom for almost two hours, and I still didn't know what to wear for tonight's activities. I was panicking. My house is a mess, my entire closet is on the floor, I hadn't taken a shower yet, I had to do my hair and make-up and Robert was going to be here in two fucking hours. Suzie leaned up on her elbows, eyeing me up and down from the bed.

"Come on. Be yourself, babydoll." She said, still not budging from the bed. Instead, she pulled her phone out, placed it in front of her and was raising her eyebrows and sticking her tongue out like crazy.

"FUCKING SERIOUSLY, ARE YOU ON SNAPCHAT RIGHT NOW?" I yelled. Suze was startled, throwing her phone on the bed.

"I don't get why you're making such a big deal, Kris. You've got shitloads of clothes." She gestured to the mountain of clothes on the floor. "Surely, you can choose an outfit."

"I know, but it's been so long since I had a date. What do I do? What do I wear? What do I fucking talk about?" My hands wave wildly as I panic. Suzie just snorts at me. I'm not actually sure if she's laughing at me or feeling sorry for me.

"Like I said, be yourself. You're not going to try and be Taylor Swift or Barbie or whatever. You're Kristen fucking Stewart. You've got a Cèsar award and you're a classy motherfucker. Now tell me, do you really need to impress him, when you're pretty fucking impressive already?" She gives me a shrug. I knew there was a reason we were best friends.

"Damn, Suzie. You're pretty fucking amazing, you know that?" I say, falling backwards on my bed and plopping down beside her. I closed my eyes, taking a break from my panicking and took a deep breath.

"I know. I'm pretty amazing at fucking too." She said with a smirk. Oh for fuck's sake.

"Fuck, Suzie! Need to know basis please! Let's pretend I didn't hear that." I covered my ears and tried to erase the image out of my mind.

"Jeez, don't be such a prude Kris. It's not like you're not gonna hit that hot piece of ass later." I scoff at her comment.

Was I? Isn't that like a third date kind of thing? Or was I that desperate and horny?

"Excuse yo- I'm not- UGH SHUT IT." My cheeks were on fire. Damn it, Suzie.

I rolled over to my side, hiding my face in the pillow. "Shut up, Suzie. I can hear you laughing." I felt my bed lift, knowing that Suzie got off the bed. I turned over to see Suzie in the doorway.

"Man, Kristen. You really need to loosen up. I'll grab us a beer, and you better get your ass moving and get your outfit ready! " I heard her footsteps going towards the kitchen.

"Fine!" I hollered. With a grunt, I got off the bed and stared at my closet. I grabbed a pair of black jeans, a white blazer and a pair of leather boots, looked in the mirror and studied my outfit carefully. Now that's what I call an outfit.

I checked my watch. Shit. Robert's gonna be here in an hour. I went inside the bathroom and started to shower. After carefully scrubbing every inch of my body, at the last minute, I decided to shave. You'll never know, right?

"Kris? You in there?" I heard Suzie's voice. I rinsed off quickly, wrapping myself in a towel and got out the shower. "Yeah, Suze! Be there in a minute."

I dried myself off quickly, tossing the towel in the hamper. I grabbed my outfit and quickly put it on. I checked myself out in the mirror, trying to see if i had to fix anything.

Looking good.

I blowdried my hair, letting my wavy hair down naturally. The last thing I did was the makeup. I usually went without makeup, only using foundation and a bit of nude lipstick, but this called for extreme measures.

Wingtip eyeliner, A bit of contour, shocking red lipstick. Damn. My Make-up artist would be proud.

I exited the bathroom to see Suzie drinking beer from a can. Once she saw me, she did a double take, eyeing me up and down.

"Well?" I asked, turning around for her. "What do you think?"

"DAMN GIRL. YOU'RE SLAYING." She quickly stood up and handed me the other can of beer. "I tell you, he will not be able to take his hands off you."

Aww shucks. I muttered a small thanks under my breath, not knowing what to expect later. Suzie gave me a hug, telling me that she had to go.

As I saw her out, she turned back to shout at me from her car. "Bye, Kris! If he turns out to be a creep, text me. If you don't text me, I expect you to be banging the brains out of him." Dear Lord. Why me?

"Shut up, Suze!" I flipped her off, earning a laugh from her as she slammed her car door. My elderly neighbor looked at me with concern. Apparently she saw our entire exchange. Oops.

"Hi Mrs. Banner. Sorry for that!" She just stared at me, then chuckled as she went back inside her house.

I swear, one of these days I will get back at her. I down the remains of my beer, fixing my purse for the date. I check my cellphone, seeing a text from Suzie.

Sorry, Kris! left something at your place. - S

I rolled my eyes. Typical. It's a good thing her brain's inside her head or she would have lost it too.

Ding Dong!

Must be Suzie. I opened the door, holding the can of beer in my hand.

"What the fuck did you forget again, Asshat?" I asked, putting on my best bitch front for her.

Oh fuck. That is definitely not Suzie.

"Hey there."

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