CH 10 | "Of course it's real."

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E News! Exclusive: RPattz and KStew cozying up in Downtown LA. 

Last Night, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were seen cozying up to each other in Providence. This isn’t the first time the duo has been spotted together. Just a few weeks ago, they’ve been spotted having dinner in Nobu. Some sources who were there that night said that the British actor went down on one knee and popped the question. “The two were very close. After his proposal, he was just jumping for joy, shouting, “She said yes!” It was very romantic and adorable, actually.” A source says about the couple. However, publicists of both parties say that the two “would like their private life to remain private. There is no truth to the engagement as of this moment."

The two actors have an upcoming movie with critically acclaimed director Daniel Green. The shooting of the film is expected to start this month, and the movie expected to be released in early 2017. 

It’s been three months since Robert and I met on Tinder. What a ride.

From tabloids to gossip sites, our faces were constantly popping up on various places in the internet. From coffee runs to concerts, it felt like we were constantly put under the microscope. 

Even though the media constantly blew our dates way out of proportion, being with Robert was never what I expected. Each day was even better than the last. From out-of-town trips to little surprises, it just kept on getting better and better.

And the sex? Absolutely fucking fantastic.

No pun intended.

Even though we loved going out, ideally without the fucking paparazzi, we loved hanging out in our homes. Today, he was watching some reruns of Family Guy, his head on my lap as I focused on the book I was reading. 

I was playing with his hair, absentmindedly letting my fingers run through his messy locks. Accidentally tugging his hair a bit too hard, he let out a deep grunt. Oops. 

“Fuck, Kris.” His voice all husky and deep. He turned his head, looking up at me with a pained expression. I knew that face like the back of my hand.

Oh, hot and bothered, are you?

“What’s wrong, baby?” I said, feigning ignorance at my attempts at foreplay. 

“Like you don’t know, Kris.” He moaned. In return, his hand started to slide up my thighs, his fingers edging closer between my legs. 

A whimper comes from my throat, and I knew Robert heard me. His smirk told me everything I needed to know. 

“You like that?” He says, his voice gruff and needy. “You want more, love?” He kisses his way to my legs and...

Just a bit higher, please. 

Yes. Right over…. Oh Jesus, he’s pretty fucking amazing.

And pretty amazing at fucking.

Suzie’s rubbing off on me. Fucker.

Stop thinking about your best friend when a pretty amazing fucker is rubbing off on you right now!

“Kris, what are you thinking?” He grunts out. I snap out of my thoughts because he’s got me trapped under his arms, his body grinding against me. 

“I- what?” I say incoherently. Seriously? Did he expect me to have an answer when he’s basically dry humping me to oblivion? “I was just… Oh god, what are you…oh fuck.” 

“Yeah. That’s what I thought.” His voice smug and his lips curled in a lazy grin, he continues his movements. My hands fist his hair, tugging it hard, knowing how he likes it.  

“Don’t get all cocky, Pattinson.” I say, laughing at him. 

“Stop laughing, Stewart. It’s bad for my ego.” He says, biting my earlobe and effectively shutting me up. 

“By your ego, do you mean your dick?” I manage to grit out. We were grabbing at each other’s clothes, throwing them in every direction. He pulls away from kissing me, whispering against my mouth,“Yeah, I’ll show you cocky, love.” 

And he does, all night long. 


“So, do you think your folks like me?” He asks nervously during our drive home. We visited my family for the first time, wanting to get to know the guy who apparently proposed to me on the first date. 

“Don’t be weird. Of course they did!” I didn’t get why Robert was so fidgety. We all had a good laugh over dinner, and I’m pretty sure they wanted to see him more often.

“Easy for you to say. My folks probably love you more than me!” He said, his voice raised just a bit higher. 

"They showed you my baby pictures didn’t they? You’re like the first guy they ever showed those to.” I say, leaning against the passenger seat.

“Well, you were adorable.” He says, smiling at the memory of the photos. 

“What do you mean were?” I say, punching him softly on the shoulder. He chuckles, one hand moving away from the steering wheel to hold mine.

You were adorable. Now? You’re absolutely breathtaking.” The corner of his lips curve up.

Swoonworthy, as always.

“Aww. You’re too sweet.” I say. Yep, my boyfriend was great.


Rob, are you my boyfriend?” I blurt out suddenly. Fuck. Verbal filter, where are you?

“What?” He turns his head to look at me. Staring at me in disbelief, his eyebrows furrow in confusion.

“Fuck. Sorry, I was.. Ah fuck.” I was mumbling and I couldn’t shut up. Earth, swallow me now.

“You’re ridiculous. We’re practically engaged now, right? Of course you’re my girlfriend.” A wide grin spread across his face.  I breathe a sigh of relief. “What made you ask that?” He says, pulling over as we neared his house. He took my hands, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.

“I don’t know. I mean, labels don’t really matter, but I just wanted this to be real, you know?” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

“Of course it’s real.” He says, his smile so warm and sweet making me melt inside. He kisses me, the passion and energy   crackling in the air. Then, he whispers in my ear. “Come on, let’s get inside. I can’t wait to get my girlfriend in bed."

Yes, please.


A/N Okay, so of course these two events happened on different days. Does it matter, really? LOL

Anyway, I need more adorable and fluff in my life. I don't want to write angst anymore u g h

(but if you happen to want to read some, check out the last two chapters of Little Things because feelings are guaranteed.)

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