Stay-Harry Potter x reader

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(Y/n) decided that even though she had permission to go to Hogsmeade she would stay at Hogwarts. She had a few reasons, one of them being she had no friends to go with, but her main reason was that her crush Harry couldn't go.

What would be the fun in going to Hogsmeade when she had no friends to enjoy anything with. the only reason she did most things other then study was to stare at her crush from afar like the little stalker she was!

Of course you may be wondering how did you come across this crush of the boy who lived. Well it most certainly wasn't a shallow reason such as he was popular, nor was it that he looked good (although he wasn't that bad looking if you do say so yourself ;D), you liked him because there were occasions where he'd notice you looking glum and would come over to cheer you up.

So since his closer friends decided to enjoy themselves rather then join their amazing friend who they did not deserve (in your jealous opinion) you thought you should stay behind and keep Harry company.

You tried to gather all the courage you could and left your bed to go looking for Harry. Luckily you didn't have to look far because once you entered the common room you saw Harry sitting on the couch staring at the ground looking either extremely bored or a little depressed. You couldn't tell but decided you should actually talk to him instead of just staring at him breathing at a somewhat loud level.

"A bit emo today, are we?" You asked Potter as you sat next to him.

Harry chuckled and continued to stare at the ground. You also joined him trying to think of another joke.

"The ground does look very attractive today, doesn't it?" You tried again hoping he'd stop staring at the ground as hard as you usually stared at him.

Harry slowly lifted eyes from the ground to see who was cracking these jokes smiling when he saw it was you.

"Shouldn't you be out buying chocolates and enjoying Hogsmeade?" He asked frowning slightly.

You shrugged your shoulders and looked away. How stupid of me of course he doesn't want me around! Probably was enjoying his alone time and here I come with horrible jokes just annoying him. From the look on Harry's face you were pretty sure you just said that out loud. Not being able to help it a tear rolled down your cheek and your face turned bright red from embarrassment.

"(Y/n) I didn't mean to make you feel bad for staying with me! I'm just a bit upset because I wish I could've gone with my friends.... Oh no are you crying? And you called me the emo one." Harry tried to make a joke once again coming to the rescue when you were down.

You turned back towards Harry smiling from his joke. Although it was a bit frustrating that you once again had to have Harry cheer you up even though you were supposed to cheer him up.

"Harry I was supposed to cheer you up not vice versa! Now I owe you even more." You let out a groan of frustration because Harry was such a great friend and you were basically Moaning Myrtle(except you didn't want him dead).

Harry paused for a second looking back at the ground before smirking and facing you again.

"Perhaps there is a way you could repay me." Harry spoke softly before slowly and nervously leaning into your face almost as if the confidence the ground had oddly transferred to him seemed to be wearing off.

He stopped right when he was centimeters away from your face looking into your eyes to make sure it was okay to kiss you because mouth rape is not okay! You of course got annoyed by the slowness of the situation and slammed your mouth onto his mouth crashing your faces into each other. Pain exploded in your forehead and you immediately regretted being impatient.

Harry started laughing and you smacked his shoulder thinking the situation was far from funny. He slowly stopped laughing and was now just smiling at you and since his smile was contagious you smiled back at him. The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like years before Harry lightly held your face and leaned towards your face at a perfect speed.

      Once you two broke apart panting for breath Harry decided to ask you a question. A very important question. One that could change Harry's future. And no he was not proposing you crazy fan girls!

    "(Y/n)? Will you make me one of the happiest boy at Hogwarts me with this potions homework? It's so hard I don't even remember going over this in class!" Harry asked.

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