Ron Weasley X Reader

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Hehehe this is a song fic 


Rons P.O.V

I looked at (Y/N) from the back of the classroom. This was the advantage of me sitting in the back.  'God she's so beautiful!' I thought to myself. Before I could think anything else Snape dismissed the class and I watched as (Y/n) ran out of the classrom before anyone else could. It almost looked as if she was wiping a tear away before she left the class.  I quickly gathered my stuff and ran to catch up with her.

We're no strangers to love

I watched as (Y/n) walked into moaning Myrtles bathroom. Okay she most definetly is crying.

You know the rules and so do I

I walked up to the bathroom door briefly looking back and forth through the hallways to make sure no one saw me.

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of

Pushing open the bathroom I whispered, "(Y/n)?" Only getting a small whimper and occasioal sniffing as an answer.

You wouldn't get this from any other guy

Finally I found her crouching on one of the toilets sobbing into her hands.

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

"(Y-Y/n)? Whats wrong?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed together. She stopped crying and looked up at me.

Gotta make you understand

"P-Please go away. I'm's just that time of the month. Y-You know how g-girls get extra emotional..." She looked away. It was obvious she was lying but that didn't stop me from crinkling nose in disgust, I mean like even if she was lying tmi. 

Never gonna give you up

I hugged (Y/N) and let her sob onto my shoulder. "You know I'm not gonna leave you until you tell me whats wrong, right?" I felt her nod weakly into my shoulder.

Never gonna let you down 

(Y/n) lifted her head and sighed. "Well, you know how I was dating (some harry potter character that isn't ron)?" I nodded. "They (some harry potter character that isnt ron) was better then me...and told me via Owl." Another tear escaped her eye.

Never gonna make you cry

"Well they're a moron to think that anyone could be better then you!" (Y/n) smiled and layed her head on my shoulder again.  "Thanks Ron I feel better after talking with you."

Never gonna say goodbye

"Ron I know you said you weren't gonna leave until I told you whats going on you think we could just stay like this for a few minutes?" I nodded my head  knowing I'd be a stuttering mess if I attempted to say anything else.

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

"(Y-Y/n)?" she hummed in response. "I-I well um I like you...'' She lifted her head "Aw Ron I like you too." I shook my head. "No..not as a friend." (Y/n) laughed. "Boi I know what you meant."

And that was the start of a beautiful relationship which occasionally needed Rick Astleys advice.

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