Draco Malfoy x reader

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Year 1

She sat at the end of the table slowly eating her food. (Y/n) wasn't the best at making friends so she just avoided people in general, that is before he (Rick Harrison -_-) sat next to her. 

"Pure blood I asume?" Some voice asked.

 She continued eating her food knowing the voice was talking to somebody else.

"Hello?! I'm talking to you!" Somebody nudged her and she looked up.

"Oh...yeah pure blood." She muttered before looking back at her food.

"Good. I figured since you're a slytherin. It'd be such a shame to have a mud blood here." 

She groaned. Obviously this guy wasnt going to leave her alone.

"You need something or what?" She asked. 

"Well you looked lonely so I thought you could use some company." He replied.

"Names Draco Malfoy."


Year 2

She slowly developed feelings for him. She didn't want to but things were just out of her control as much as it annoyed her.

"Hey (Y/L)!" A voice called out behind her.

She turned around to see Neville running towards her and smiled weakley. Once Neville got closer to her she hugged him. No she didn't like Neville. Neville was her other best friend. She really had no other friends then Draco and Neville. As soon as they broke apart she felt herself being dragged away and frowned.

"You really shouldn't be friends with such a loser (N/n). It makes yourself look like one." 

Her frown quickly dissapeared when she realised Draco was dragging her away.

"Oh so I should stop being your friend?" She asked smirking when the dragging stoped.

"What? No way! We're gonna be friends forever!" Draco also muttered something else but (Y/n) couldn't tell what it was that he said.

Year 3

She was weirded out by all the boys asking her to go to Three Broomsticks with her. She of course turned them down telling them she liked someone else and was waiting for them to ask her. Only half of that was true. She knew he wouldn't ask her. He liked someone else. He of course asked the girl he liked to Three Broomsticks and of course she said yes. (Y/n) spent that night bawling her eyes out.

Year 4

This year sucked. Draco decided to ask out the girl he liked from last year out and of course she said yes. He barely talked to her now. (Y/n) was emotionless avoiding everyone and only paying enough attention to pass her classes. She couldn't stand watching him with her.

Year 5

That was it! He had had enough nerve to ask why she was avoiding him. (Y/n) couldn't take it! This was why she didn't get involved with other people. All they do is bring you in close enough to stab you and leave you there bleeding and crying wondering what you did to deserve this treatment.

"(N/n) it really hurts to have you avoid me, and for no reason either. What did I do to you?" Draco asked.

"A-are you that stupid? I've been avoiding you  because when i see you two laugh together, when you kiss each other, when you say you love her...I wish it wasnt her.....I-I wish it was me! I wish I had never met you! Why did you even sit next to me? Why'd you talk to me? I shouldn't have ever responded to you...d-do you even understand how much it hurt to find out y-you liked her? I-I love you and I'm such an idiot because of that! " She couldn't stand too wait for his response she got up and ran off to her room tears racing each other down her face as she processed what she had been holding back for multiple years now.

Year 6

 The "dream" couple started arguing more often. Apparently he hadn't loved her as much as he did the year before and all she did was get on his nerves. (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder if her outburst had messed with Dracos relationship. Maybe over the summer he realized who he really loved.

Year 7

The dream couple was nothing but a nightmare from the past now. He had ended it over the summer. She had tried to avoid him even more now then ever. But as she was reminded at the age of 12 she was reminded yet agin at 17 that somethings she just couldn't control. It was actually quite funny how Draco had forced her to talk to him. She was eating her food slowly when someone sat next to her.

  "Pure blood I asume?" A familiar voice spoke.

She continued eating. When someone nudged her.

"Oh come on (Y/n) you cant avoid me forever! What did I do now? Please talk to me! I-I can't stand this. F-Fine you want me to say it? I'll say it! No, no, no I'll shout it out for everyone to hear!" She glanced up to see Draco stand up on the bench.

"MY NAMES DRACO MALFOY AND I'M IN LOVE WITH (Y/N) (Y/L)!" He shouted, sitting down shortly after.

She smiled for the first time since she was 12 and kissed Draco.

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