eye like you Hermione x reader

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  You stared outside the window where you could see your crush perfectly. She was sitting under a tree reading a book about vampires with her eyebrows furrowed. You longed to go outside and talk to her. You had been put into (H/N) for a reason and that was not for bravery. (sorry if you are in Gryffindor just roll with it, go with the flow, let it happen, keep calm and go on alright i'm done). 

   After what seemed like infinity but had only been seconds later Hermione glanced to see someone standing in a window looking down at her. Even after she made contact with this odd person they didn't stop looking. Hermoine soon realized she too was starng into this persons (e/c) eyes (i got you fam i'm not gonna use orbs) and cracked a small grin closing her book gaining new intrest in this stranger.

Shocked that Hermione Granger just smiled at you, you stood there with a weird smirk of victory spread across your face. Once you came back into reality you realized Hermione gone from her spot. Sad that your stalking had ended you slowly turned around a frown now creeping onto your face. At least you had supper to look forward to. As you hurried to the (H/N) common room you smashed into someone causing your lips to collide shocked you pulled back looking at the ground, muttering a thousand apologies a minute. Finally gaining enough courage to look up you saw dark brown eyes. Now since you only saw dark brown eyes and since that color of eye isn't that uncommon you weren't fully aware of who you had just shared that kiss with but upon further investigation (Looking at the persons face) you gathered enough information to realize that this was indeed Hermione.

Hermione kept her hand to her lips completly shocked. As soon as her eyes met the other persons eyes she realized who it was. It was her stalker/admirer/fan/groupie/devotee. The one with intriguing eyes, well at least to Hermione. As Hermione searched her stalkers eyes she felt warmth in her stomach as if someone had applied a heating pad to her belly. She blushed a deep red and somehow managed to admit that it was indeed her fault.

You blinked a few times slowly leaning in not fully understandding what you were doing but letting your gut take control. Soon the both of your lips were connected and you had to admit this kiss was much better then the first one.  

 Almost immediatley after pulling away Hermione blurted out,

 "You have amazing eyes!'' 

  Your (amazing) eyes widened as you repeated what your crush of (whatever number) years had just said to you in your mind. 

 "Well e-eye like y-you-u..." You replied trying to sound cool but eneded being a stuttering mess.

And that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

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