Reaching Bottom- Neville Longbottom x reader

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A/n: Forgive me its been awhile since ive read hp so this might not be accurate to neville oops:/

       Longbottom and I had been best friends ever since we were born. We vented about everything, but lately Neville had been acting strange. It was a slow progress of what seemed like isolated incidents. First was the cancelling of plans, then hanging around other people more, picking up new hobbies and neglecting to tell me, hell even picking up new girls. This was Nev however so there wasn't tons of girls. Just the occasional crush or flirting which would cause a ripple of rumors to spread. 

    I spent more and more of my days by myself, wondering what I had done. I kept replaying our last few times we hung out and nothing I did added up. Nev didn't have an endless amount of friends, so why he was trying to shake off his childhood and most faithful friend I had no clue. All I knew was it hurt, a new pain.

   Sure we've all experienced the occasional scraped knee, paper cut, or maybe even slamming our finger in a door. This pain, however, was far deeper than any blade could cut. I was at loss of words to describe it. I've out grown friends and vice versa but loosing Nev was different. It ached seeing him with Hermione or Potter. I had begun to act like a recluse. Spending more and more of my time reading comics or drawing.  The only good to this break between me and Longbottom was I could actually finish book series and other things.

     Charms was near ending when I finally came to. I had been spaced out again reflecting on the split between me and my best friend for yet another class. I gathered my things and was getting ready to leave when an arm propped up against the table. I looked up to see Nev.

     "H-Hey (y/n) long time no see." He stuttered clearly looking nervous.

    "No shit? I thought you making eye contact with me then running away was a secret code for something!"I replied dryly.

    "Look, I'm sorry. It's a bit funny actually, if I could explain the situation to you."

    "Well I'm sure you can explain it to Potter instead. He'll probably get a good chuckle considering he's replaced me, Nev." I shouldered my bad and began walking away.

   "(Y/N) it's not like that!" He shouts panic rising in his voice.

    "Isn't it though?" I throw over my shoulder before leaving the classroom and going to lunch.

     Even though Nev was clearly trying to patch up the damage he had caused, that little conversation only made things worse. Now I dreaded passing Neville. How could such a nerd have such an effect on me? Sometimes during my pondering sessions my eyes would tear up. Me cry over a boy? How ridiculous.  At this point I've completely retracted from society. I don't have any friends and when I'm not in class Im sleeping.  Some of my professors have become worried but I try to ignore it. I also try to ignore Nev's stares. 

      Unfortunately, you can run as fast and as long as you want but your problems always catch up. One day after taking a too quick turn in the hallway I smash into Neville.

     "(Y/N) PLEASE WAIT! LET ME EXPLAIN!" Neville exclaims as he grabs my shoulders.

      I don't respond, instead giving him an annoyed look.

     "I know avoiding you wasn't the best thing to do," I interrupt him with a loud nose exhale," But I'm sincerely sorry. Look (Y/n) I need to tell you something, important. Meet me at 3 broomsticks tomorrow!" Nev says before rushing off.

   Although I wasn't exactly excited I still showed up to 3 Broomsticks. Glancing around I spot Nev and sit at his booth.

        "Well? What was so important?" I question, a bored expression placed on my face.

       "Uh well...uh...(Y-Y/n) I umm well...I like you, maybe even love. I was scared of my feelings so I started pulling away and even tried distracting myself with girls...haha boys too but nothing worked. I realized I had to face my feelings head on and admit them to you."

      " You're a god damn asshole. You think you can ignore me for over a year and then just drop this shit on me? No." I say as I get up wiping away a tear.

    I grab my things storming off. Ignoring Nev's pleas and request.

A/N: SOoooo should I make a pt 2 to this???? I dunno tell me in the comments. Maybe this was just trash. I dunnooooo.

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