Welcome To Coven Ground

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Hi, wifi was good but it's quite bad. bUT THE BEACH THO
Monday 4th September, 6:24am.

I slammed my hand against the top of my alarm clock, which happened to now be my bedside table. I awoke and silently screamed in pain, holding onto my hand in pain. I jumped out of bed and used my healthy hand to turn off my real alarm clock while my other hand healed. I sighed, the first day at school. The thing that every kid regrets, from them wishing away their breaks so they could go away to a different area on holiday. I can't do that, because I've never been to school. Some would call it homeschooling, but I call it training.

I grabbed the tinted hairspray can and the contacts, and ran towards the bathroom. Beau was also running towards the bathroom, holding a pair of scissors for his hair and a bottle of shaving cream. I was lucky that my bedroom was closer, so I was able to swiftly get into the bathroom and lock the door before Beau. I heard him sulking from outside.

"Dammit Dan!" He groaned, "I have training today at 9!"

"And I have school," I sassed back, smirking in the mirror, "what's more important?" I didn't hear another word from him, but I could hear groans and stomping going towards his bedroom, and my smirk grew even wider. It does feel good to be bad.

Unlike the rest of us, Beau is training to get an actual job, doing work experience and trying to get a scholarship for university. Of course he'd have to lie a lot, like about his name and his background, but there isn't a better liar than Beau. He once told a security guard that there was a bear on the loose in the forest behind them so him and his friend Conor could sneak into an All Time Low concert, and - to be honest - I was jealous. It was sad that Conor and his family (The Gallagher's) had to move to Ireland, I think it was because his dad - another villain - was exposed by Macho Lester. I used to team up with Conor's younger brother, Jack Gallagher, and we used to have a lot of fun fighting the Lester's. But after the move, me and Beau haven't had a real best friend, we were each other's friend to be honest.

I splashed my face with cold water and applied my Freederm facial wash to my face, which actually works to get rid of my horrible acne. I then washed it off with a flannel and started with my transformation from Dan Howell to Dan DeLovato. I got my last name from one of mum's favourite artists, Demi Lovato, and also as that was the first name that came to mind. I got the contacts on my index finger, using my other hand to open my eyes up wider, and placed the first one in, then vice versa. I looked in the mirror, and saw a boy with brown eyes and blonde hair instead of a super villain. I then grabbed the can of tinted hairspray and became spraying my hair, covering my forehead with my other hand. After massaging my head (which it said to do on the can), I looked in the mirror, and didn't even recognise myself. I actually looked good. [if I got any of the contact lenses stuff wrong, please correct me because I do not wear contacts/glasses]

I walked out the bathroom and looked in the eyes of my brother.

"Mum! There's a stranger in the house by the name of Dan Howell!" He joked, before I pushed past him and his chuckles, and entered my room. He's such a goon sometimes.

I got the suit and tie out of my wardrobe and began getting dressed, and it felt pretty weird to me. I'm so used to wearing awkward body suits that would cut of at the neck, skinny jeans and normal t-shirts, I've never known what it's like to wear things normal beings would wear. It felt quite tight, seeing as I never tried it on, but I'd get a proper suited uniform after the first day. I looked in my longer mirror, and I was proud with the results because I actually looked like a believable being.

Smith & DeLovato ☆ Phan AU *discontinued*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu