First Day, Bad Impression

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Here's Waterparks, a band a certain person called Lucy (xMiniladdx ) recommended to me. Here's their craziest video XD
Monday 4th September, 9:12am.

The tour was pretty tedious, no matter how fun PJ and Chris tried to make it, to be honest with you. The children looked bored in every class like they'd rather be swimming in a tank full of man-eating pirañas instead, and - trust me - it's not a pleasant idea.

After PJ and Chris' 'tour extravaganza', we finally reached our class - which we all happened to be in together. I've never really had the need for Sociology in my life, nor do I know what it even is. But, of course, this school classes this particular subject as compulsory. Dan didn't look particularly happy either, but PJ and Chris looked pretty ecstatic. We entered the classroom to be greeted by a teacher with dirty blonde hair and the same type of hipster glasses that Mr Chapman had, yet in a solid black shade.

"Hello, Liguori. Hello, Kendall." He spoke, PJ and Chris waved at the teacher.

"Hello Mr Butler," they smiled before taking a seat at the front.

"I haven't seen your friends around school, I'm guessing they're new?" Both boys nodded in sync, before Mr Butler stood up and offered a introductory gesture. "Would you like to present yourself to the class?"

Dan gave me a stare, in which I shrugged in response. He shook Mr Butler's hand and turned to face the class.

"Ummm hello guys, my name is [Dan] DeLovato." He looked at Mr Butler, who smiled and gave practically no help at all. "I-I enjoy anime, Pokemon and other video games, and I moved here b-b-because my father got a promotion from his job in London." The class gave him a fake smile.

"Welcome Dan." They all spoke robotically, which was very out of sync and they would've come last if it was a synchronised swimming event instead of a welcome to new students. Then it was my turn. I swear down, Phil. If you mess this up, you won't hear the end of it.

"H-Hi everyone, I'm Phil L-Smith!" My stomach churned as each lie escaped out of my mouth, the one moral I was brought up learning was destroyed just in one sentence: a hero never lies. "I-I was b-bullied in my school, so I decided to move and start a-afresh."

"Ok Phil, I can see why you're a bit nervous." Mr Butler smiled, before sitting me down next to Dan without a 'warm welcome from the class' which wasn't warm in any way. "But ok class, let's start off by writing the title of today's lesson in our new books. Nature vs Nurture: How does an environment affect a child's attitude?"

I opened my book carefully to reveal pages covered in straight, parallel lines. I wrote the title at the top, then the date, and finally, the learning objective, which was placed underneath the title.

"Ok class, who would like to write down some ways an environment could affect a child's attitude?" Mr Butler asked, but no one responded, "how about you, DeLovato?"

Dan's head looked up immediately in fear and confusion. I wanted to laugh but I knew it would be rude. He got up from his seat and took the whiteboard pen from Mr Butler, drawing a line from the bubble which was around the title, and began to write. It took him around thirty seconds to get an idea and put it on the board. He stepped back to reveal what he put.

The parents and their attitude can influence a child's attitude to the world.

"Very good, Dan. Take a seat." Mr Butler said, taking back the pen and watching Dan sit down. "Would anyone like to oppose this opinion?" My hand went straight up. "Oh, Phil Smith."

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