Brotherly Advice

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I think that Beau would look a lot like Caspar tbh, but just to let you know, Caspar isn't Beau :)
And yes, I am aware of the song choice XD
Monday 4th September, 3:34pm.

I saw Phil Smith walk down the hallway towards Mr Butler's classroom, and I couldn't help but laugh. He looked at me, quite angry, but I feel like him and anger don't really fit. So far, his personality doesn't really shout aggressive, so he looks like a puppy trying to pounce on a toy, eyeing it up before chasing. I have to admit, he is quite cute.

"Come on, Dan! We need to get to the bus stop before I miss my bus!" Chris spoke up, interrupting my thoughts and grabbing me and PJ by the arm. He practically dragged us to the bike rack so me and PJ could get our bikes.

"Chris, I think you need to calm-"

"No I don't! My parents have a strict curfew of 3:45 and my bus gets me to my stop for 3:40 so I don't have to run, and-"

"Please Chris, just calm down!" I interrupted, mounting my bike and starting to pedal out of the school gates. "You'll get there on time, trust me." PJ pushed forward, leaving Chris running to catch up, beads of sweat running down his face.

"Guys, I-I can't-keep-up." He shouted between breaths, stopping to catch some. Me and PJ caught each other's glance, and carried on pedalling. "Oh come on!" And another smirk appeared on mine and PJ's faces. The evil within me is starting to sprout even more.

"You're the person who wanted to get to the bus stop on time!" PJ cackled, stopping as we reached the long pole on the pavement.

"Gotta go fast!" I grinned, watching Chris almost crawl towards us. Then his bus arrived, in which he grabbed £1.55 from his pocket and began to board the bus.

"I didn't mean to go that fast!" He panted, before turning to the driver and handing him the money. Chris grabbed a seat at the back and plugged his earbuds into his phone, drowning out any surrounding noises. Me and PJ waved goodbye, hopping onto our bikes and beginning to cycle home.

"Where do you live?" PJ asked, which made me slightly scared. What if he wanted me to come around? Or he wanted to come around mine? I am not prepared for either option.

"Gilbert Avenue, why?" I responded, shaking on the inside. (Shake it off, Daniel)

"Oh! I live in the neighbouring estate! Maybe we could hang out sometime? Chris lives further away, and I have no clue about Phil. But still, how does that sound?"

"Snazzy." I replied as we pulled up to PJ's estate, which was called 'Long Street'. "Bye peej!"

"It ain't no lie baby bye bye bye!" PJ joked as he cycled up the road towards his house, leaving just me. At least he didn't want to come around, how would I explain to him that my parents want total control of the earth but my brother's a wannabe psychologist? I'd have to think about that tonight.

Twisting the key into the lock, I opened the door to find my mother cooking some sort of stew and my brother sitting in the lounge on his computer.

"Helllooooo!" I shouted, dropping my bag on the floor and dragging my bike in with me. Beau got off his laptop and helped me carry the bike into the back garden.

"How was it?" Mum shouted from the kitchen, I walked back indoors and took a seat at the dining table.

"It was alright, to be honest. No proper sight of that turquoise boi."

"What? Blue? That's good. Any of the girls?"

"Nope, not one." I sighed, "I'm gonna go upstairs and do this stupid sociology homework. The teacher is a very angry guy, especially after today."

Smith & DeLovato ☆ Phan AU *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now