Falling in love yet ?

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Roc Royal POV: so me and the boys are back at the crib Princeton is texting somebody,RayRay is getting dress for a date he has with some girl,Prodigy is writing this song about a girl name Harmony, and im just wondring wtf and i gon do for the next four hours.

Roc: so who ya texting ,prince

Princeton: this girl named Lolo

Roc: who the fuck calls there kid Lolo

Princeton: um her mom and dad

Roc: oh...i knew dat

RayRay: sure you did

Roc: ok Mr.I know everthing

Ray: first of all, your right i do know evrything

Roc: oh really, do you know whats my middle name is



Prodigy: Ohh he told you

Ray: shut up

Prodigy: well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed

YN POV: ok so im at my house and the thje girls are to and since Darrins mom gon be in florida for the next to weeks, she gon be staying here for two weeks, and since Harmony only lives with her older sister witch is married and she has kids....Harmony aked her sister if she can sleep over my house for the next two weeks and she said yes, so its like a sleep over for two weeks lol

YN: so Darrin who are you going on a date with

Darrin: um his name is Ray Ray i met him in science class i think

Harmony: so is he he cute

Darrin: he alright

Harmony: so mizz Gracie who you texting

Gracie: i know you didnt just call me Mizz Gracie

Harmony: oh yeah you hate that name SORRY lol

Gracie: ANYWAYS im texting this guy his name is puff

Yn: What kind of fucking name is puff

Darrin:exactly , who his mom and dad fluffy and Afro

Gracie: well his name isnt puff i just like call him that, his real name is Princeton

YN: so what have you been talking about with him

Gracie: oh nothing. she said with a smirk on her face

YN POV:Then we heard a voice that sounded like my uncle and every time he's in this house is because my mom and dad wants him to take care us while they go on a trip with blue ivy cause they dont trust blue ivy with him and its going to be like  six weeks, and when i say he's embarrassing i mean he's embarrassing.

Yn: Gracie...

Gracie: yeah...

YN: do you her that voice

Gracie: yeah....OPEN THE WINDOW AND GET OUT!!!!! [i said while us four tried to open the windows]

Harmony: mines stuck

Darrin: me two

Gracie:me three

Yn: lets break the window with something [she said looking at her bowling ball]

Gracie: use the bowling ball

it was to late our uncle was already at our door

Yn&Gracie: hey Uncle Kev

Kevin Hart: thats Kevin Hart to you

Harmony&Darrin: hey mr.Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart: see they get it right why cant you get it right

Gracie: cause we aint them {she mumbled}

ok that was half of my story and im i might be making a new part to this story so commet votee!! please


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